Text preview: mc_tondano_gulamera

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  • Metadata summary
  • corpustondano
  • textgulamera
  • speakerTN01
  • annotator(s)Timothy Brickell
  • version2311
  • last updated2020-05-01
Annotation key
utterance identifier
object language utterance
  • grammatical words
  • morphological glosses
  • annotations with GRAID
  • referent indexing with RefIND
  • annotations with ISNRef
‘idiomatic translation’
ketarètarè simèdo tabelang
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ka-tarè-tarè
  • very-RDP-new
  • other
  • si=
  • 3SG.NOM=
  • =pro.h:a_a
  • <um>èdo
  • <AV>take
  • v:pred
  • tabelang
  • hard.bamboo
  • np:p_a
‘Firstly he will take the hard bamboo.’
pasiwon ntangga
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • pa-siwo-en
  • DYN-do-PV
  • v:pred
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0.h:a_u
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • tangga
  • ladder
  • np:p_u
‘(He) makes a ladder.’
pasiwonala entangga tu irèdèimèè witu
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • pa-siwo-en
  • DYN-do-PV
  • v:pred
  • =na
  • =3SG.GEN
  • =pro.h:a_u
  • =la
  • =rv
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • tangga
  • ladder
  • np:p_u
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • tu
  • then
  • other
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:p_u
  • i-rèdèi
  • CV-stand.up
  • v:pred
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0.h:a_u
  • =mèè
  • =DIR.MED
  • =rv
  • witu
  • PREP2
  • adp
‘He makes a ladder. Then (he) leans (it) on,’
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
tabelang esa
  • tabelang
  • hard.bamboo
  • np:l
  • esa
  • one
  • rn
‘the first piece of hard bamboo.’
tu wa'akesela
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • tu
  • then
  • other
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:p_u
  • i-wa'akes
  • CV-tie.with.string
  • v:pred
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0.h:a_u
  • =la
  • =rv
‘Then (he) will tie (the hard bamboo) with string.’
sipaturu'enè nituama esa
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • si=
  • 3SG.NOM=
  • =pro.h:p_u
  • pa-turu'-en
  • DYN-indicate-PV
  • v:pred
  • =pè'
  • =INCMP
  • =rv
  • ni=
  • AN.SG.GEN=
  • =ln
  • tuama
  • man
  • np.h:a_u
  • esa
  • one
  • rn
‘He is still being taught by the first man.’
kaa simelelongkot itu entabelang
  • #
  • #
  • #ac
  • ka'a
  • because
  • other
  • si=
  • 3SG.NOM=
  • =pro.h:s
  • ma-Ce-longkot
  • AV.DYN-IRR-climb.up
  • v:pred
  • witu
  • PREP2
  • adp
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • tabelang
  • hard.bamboo
  • np:g
‘Because he will climb up the hard bamboo (ladder),’
ka'ayomèè witu
  • i-ka-ayo
  • CV.POT-arrive(until)
  • adp
  • =mèè
  • =lv
  • witu
  • PREP2
  • lv
‘until (he) reaches...’
entowana mbewèanè
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • towana
  • roof
  • np:g
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • wewèan
  • other:predex
‘the 'roof' (i.e. the top of the tree), (where) there is,’
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • pa-èdo-an
  • NR-take-LV
  • np:s
‘the collection place’
ee timpa'
  • ee
  • HES
  • nc
  • timpa'
  • palm.sugar.sap
  • rn_np
‘(for) palm sugar sap [i.e. there is a palm sugar sap container].’
ka'ayomèè aki ujung sia
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • i-ka-ayo
  • CV.POT-arrive
  • other
  • =mèè
  • =other
  • waki
  • PREP3
  • adp
  • ujung
  • tip
  • np:pred_l
  • sia
  • 3SG.
  • pro.h:s
‘Until he is at the end (of the branch).’
o tu
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • wo
  • and
  • other
  • tu
  • then
  • other
‘And then,’
  • si=
  • 3SG.NOM=
  • =pro.h:s
  • <im>ana'
  • AV.PST-stay
  • v:pred
  • =pè'
  • =INCMP
  • =rv
  • =la
  • =rv
‘he has still stopped (there).’
simaèdopè' ee keteran
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • si=
  • 3SG.NOM=
  • =pro.h:a_a
  • ma-èdo
  • AV.DYN-take
  • v:pred
  • =pè'
  • =INCMP
  • =rv
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:p_a
  • ee
  • HES
  • nc
  • keter-an
  • power
  • rv
‘He still takes it (the hard bamboo) forcefully.’
kaa simewewè'èwel
  • #
  • #
  • #ac
  • ka'a
  • because
  • other
  • si=
  • 3SG.NOM=
  • =pro.h:a_a
  • me-Ce-wè'wèl
  • AV.DYN-IRR-tap
  • v:pred
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:p_a
‘Because he will pound (the palm sugar tree branch).’
aa minèdomou entabelang
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • aa
  • HES
  • nc
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0.h:a_a
  • <im>èdo
  • <AV.PST>take
  • v:pred
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =rv
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • tabelang
  • hard.bamboo
  • np:p_a
‘Ah (he's) taken the hard bamboo.’
o ni pewe'akesenapè'
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • o
  • PART
  • nc
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:p_u
  • nèy
  • CV.PST
  • lv
  • pa-wa'akes-en
  • DYN-tie.with.string-PV
  • v:pred
  • =na
  • =3SG.GEN
  • =pro.h:a_u
  • =pè'
  • =INCMP
  • =rv
‘Oh he has still tied (the hard bamboo) with string (to the branch).’
a ninamou pekewe'akes
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • a
  • PART
  • nc
  • niana
  • DEM1
  • pro:p_u
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =other
  • i-paka-wa'akes
  • CV.COMP-tie.with.string
  • v:pred
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0.h:a_u
‘Ah, (he) has already finished tying it with string.’
kela, ah entè' kouman kapawe'akes tuama iti'i
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • kela
  • PART
  • nc
  • entè'
  • strong
  • other
  • kowman
  • meanwhile
  • lv
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:p_u
  • kapa-we'akes
  • MANN-tie.with.string
  • v:pred
  • tuama
  • man
  • np.h:a_u
  • iti'i
  • DEM2
  • rn
‘Oh my, meanwhile how forcefully is that man tying it (the hard bamboo) with string.’
siwitumou ujung enakel, ya
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • si=
  • 3SG.NOM=
  • =pro.h:s
  • witu
  • PREP2
  • adp
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =other
  • ujung
  • tip
  • ln
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • akel
  • sugar.palm.tree
  • np:pred_l
  • ya
  • AFF
  • nc
‘He's already at the tip [of the sago palm tree branch], yes.’
a, nèi patumpanamou entabelang esa
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • a
  • PART
  • nc
  • nèy
  • CV.PST
  • lv
  • pa-tumpa-en
  • CV-DYN-descend-PV
  • v:pred
  • =na
  • =3SG.GEN
  • =pro.h:a_u
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =rv
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • tabelang
  • hard.bamboo
  • np:p_u
  • esa
  • one
  • rn
‘He's brought down the first length of hard bamboo.’
entabalang esa it'i ni'itumou, ee
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • tabalang
  • hard.bamboo
  • np:dt
  • esa
  • one
  • rn
  • it'i
  • DEM2
  • rn
  • ni'itu
  • DEM2
  • other
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =rn
  • ee
  • HES
  • nc
‘The one length of hard bamboo, so that then,’
siniwona potung
  • s<in>iwo-en
  • <PST>do-PV
  • v:pred
  • =na
  • =3SG.GEN
  • =pro.h:a_u
  • potung
  • bamboo.tube
  • np:p_u
‘he has made (it into) a tube [for collecting palm sugar sap].’
tiniboian nituama esa
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:p_u
  • t<in>inboi-an
  • <PST>grasp-LV
  • v:pred
  • ni=
  • AN.SG.GEN=
  • =ln
  • tuama
  • man
  • np.h:a_u
  • esa
  • one
  • rn
‘(It) was held on to by the first man.’
siwia rarem siesa, siesa siwia natas
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • si=
  • 3SG=
  • =pro.h:s
  • wia
  • PREP1
  • adp
  • rarem
  • inside
  • np:pred_l
  • si=
  • AN.SG=
  • =ln
  • esa
  • one
  • np.h:dt_s
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • si=
  • AN.SG=
  • =ln
  • esa
  • one
  • np.h:dt_s
  • si=
  • 3SG.NOM=
  • =pro.h:s
  • wia
  • PREP1
  • adp
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • atas
  • above
  • np:pred_l
‘One man he is inside (the foliage), one guy he is on top [of the palm sugar tree].’
  • rèy'
  • not
  • other
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =other
‘no longer [i.e. he has finished].’
empaalinou nituama esa embina'akesanè i'ti'i
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • N=
  • 3SG.NOM=
  • =pro:p_u
  • pa-ali-en
  • DYN-bring-PV
  • v:pred
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =rv
  • ni=
  • AN.SG.GEN=
  • =ln
  • tuama
  • man
  • np.h:a_u
  • esa
  • one
  • rn
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • N=
  • 3SG.NOM=
  • =pro:p_u
  • w<in>a'akes-an
  • <PST>tie.with.string-LV
  • v:pred
  • nè=
  • AN.PL.GEN=
  • =ln
  • i'ti'i
  • DEM2
  • pro.h:a_u
‘It's bought along by the first man, it [the bamboo] has been tied up by these guys.’
namou itumpami
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • niana
  • DEM1
  • pro:p_u
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =other
  • i-tumpa
  • CV-descend
  • v:pred
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0.h:a_u
  • =mi
  • =rv
‘(He) brings (it) down [through the tube].’
o ensiniwona rè'èn ee anu
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • wo
  • and
  • other
  • N=
  • 3SG.NOM=
  • =pro:p_u
  • s<in>iwo-en
  • <PST>do-PV
  • v:pred
  • =na
  • =3SG.GEN
  • =pro.h:a_u
  • rè'èn
  • PART
  • other
  • ee
  • HES
  • nc
  • anu
  • np:dt_p_u
‘And he then does it the, erh, whatsit.’
keteran sianu rimedèi' witu entabelang waki
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • keter-an
  • power-DEG
  • other
  • si=
  • AN.SG=
  • =ln
  • anu
  • pro.h:a_a
  • r<im>edèi'
  • <AV.PST>stand
  • v:pred
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:p_a
  • witu
  • there
  • other
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • tabelang
  • hard.bamboo
  • np:l
  • waki
  • PREP3
  • adp
‘Whatstheirname forcefully leans (the bamboo tube) there against,’
towana nakel
  • towana
  • roof
  • np:l
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • akel
  • sugar.palm.tree
  • rn_np
‘the 'roof' [i.e. top] of the sugar palm tree,’
dèi'mou sime'èwèlou
  • #
  • #
  • ##neg
  • rèy'
  • not
  • other
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =other
  • si=
  • 3SG.NOM=
  • =pro.h:a_a
  • <um>wè'wèl
  • <AV>tap
  • v:pred
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =rv
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:p_a
‘He no longer will hit (the sugar palm tree branch).’
taan, nirisenapè'la rior
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ta'an
  • however
  • other
  • <in>iris-en
  • <PST>slice-PV
  • v:pred
  • =na
  • =3SG.GEN
  • =pro.h:a_u
  • =pè'
  • =INCMP
  • =rv
  • =la
  • =rv
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:p_u
  • rior
  • fast
  • other
‘However, it [the tree branch] was still being cut by him beforehand.’
sia mè'èwèl
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • sia
  • 3SG
  • pro.h:a_a
  • <um>wè'wèl
  • <AV>tap
  • v:pred
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:p_a
‘He will hit it [the palm sugar tree branch].’
matè siurè
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • <um>patè
  • PART
  • nc
  • si=
  • 3SG.NOM=
  • =pro.h:s
  • ka-urè
  • very-long
  • other:pred
‘Oh dear! How long is he [taking to do this].’
mengurangura situama iti'i?
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • meN-kura-kura
  • AV.DYN-RDP-how
  • v:pred
  • si=
  • AN.SG=
  • =ln
  • tuama
  • tuama
  • np.h:s
  • iti'i
  • DEM1
  • rn
‘How [i.e. what] is this man doing?’
o, sima
  • o
  • PART
  • nc
  • si=
  • HES
  • nc
  • ma
  • HES
  • nc
‘Oh, he's...’
parou'unamou embaya unjungena kaa npewe
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • pa-row'-en
  • DYN-far-PV
  • v:pred
  • =na
  • =3SG.GEN
  • =pro.h:a_u
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =rv
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • waya
  • all
  • ln
  • unjung
  • tip
  • np:p_u
  • =na
  • =3SG.GEN
  • =rn_pro:poss
  • #
  • #
  • #ac.neg
  • ka'a
  • because
  • other
  • N=
  • HES
  • nc
  • pewe
  • HES
  • nc
‘He's removing [i.e. unblocking] everything from its end [of the tube]. Because,’
ndè'pè' winè'èwèl empaarou'namou enujung
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =other
  • rèy'
  • NEG
  • other
  • =pè'
  • =INCMP
  • =other
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:p_u
  • w<in>è'wèl-en
  • <PST>tap
  • v:pred
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0.h:a_u
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • N=
  • 3SG.NOM=
  • =pro:p_u
  • paarou'namou
  • DYN-far-PV
  • v:pred
  • =na
  • =3SG.GEN
  • =pro.h:a_u
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =rv
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • enujung
  • tip
  • np:dt_p_u
‘(he) hasn't hit, struck it [the branch] (yet). He clears it out, the end [of the branch where the sap comes out].’
e, esh
  • e
  • PART
  • nc
  • esh
  • PART
  • nc
  • #
  • #
  • ##neg
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • nc
  • rèy'
  • not
  • nc
‘It's not,’
dèi'pè sapa sapa?
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:s
  • rèy'
  • not
  • other
  • =pè'
  • =INCMP
  • =other
  • sapa
  • RDP
  • other
  • sapa
  • sapa
  • other:pred
‘what's not yet (happening)?’
minèdomoutè empepatilna merou'la mbaya nujungena
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0.h:a_a
  • <im>èdo
  • <AV.PST>take
  • v:pred
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =rv
  • =itè
  • =LIM
  • =rv
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • pepatil
  • machete
  • np:p_a
  • =na
  • =3SG.GEN
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0.h:a_a
  • ma-row'
  • DYN.AV-far
  • v:pred
  • =la
  • =rv
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • waya
  • all
  • ln
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • ujung
  • tip
  • np:p_a
  • =na
  • =3SG.GEN
  • =rn_pro:poss
‘(He's) already just taken his machete. (He) clears out everything from its end.’
pewewè'èwèlena è empewe'akesenamou
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:p_u
  • pa-Ce-wè'wèl-en
  • DYN-IRR-tap-PV
  • v:pred
  • =na
  • =3SG.GEN
  • =pro.h:a_u
  • èy
  • PART
  • nc
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • N=
  • 3SG.NOM=
  • =pro:p_u
  • pa-wa'akes-en
  • DYN-tie.with.string-PV
  • v:pred
  • =na
  • =3SG.GEN
  • =pro.h:a_u
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =rv
‘Hey, he will hit it [the sugar palm tree branch]. He ties it [the tube] off with string.’
siwitu tarè ka'anoumi witu ntambelang
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • si=
  • 3SG.NOM=
  • =pro.h:p_u
  • witu
  • there
  • other
  • tarè
  • new
  • lv
  • i-ka-ana'
  • CV.POT-stay
  • v:pred
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0.h:a_u
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =rv
  • =mi
  • =rv
  • witu
  • PREP2
  • adp
  • tabelang
  • hard.bamboo
  • np:g
‘He's now stopped there (by another man) on the hard bamboo tube [ladder].’
yala siminakèmou kudah kudah
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • yala
  • HES
  • nc
  • si=
  • 3SG.NOM=
  • =pro.h:a_a
  • <im>pakè
  • <AV.PST>use
  • v:pred
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =rv
  • kudah
  • RDP
  • ln_np
  • kudah
  • strut
  • np:p_a
‘He has used, fastened struts [to the hard bamboo].’
paawesanè kasi tabelang esa pasil
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • pa-awes-an
  • DYN-add-LV
  • v:pred
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0.h:a_u
  • =pè'
  • =INCMP
  • =rv
  • kasi
  • more
  • rv
  • tabelang
  • hard.bamboo
  • np:p_u
  • esa
  • one
  • rn
  • pasil
  • PART
  • nc
‘He's again adding the first bamboo pole, oh dear.’
enpotung ndèi' kaa witu, aaaiiii
  • #
  • #
  • #nc
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • nc
  • potung
  • bamboo.tube
  • nc
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • nc
  • dèi'
  • NEG
  • nc
  • ka'a
  • because
  • nc
  • witu
  • there
  • nc
  • aaaiiii
  • HES
  • nc
‘The palm sugar sap collection tube, it's not, because there.’
a nèi patumpanamou
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • a
  • HES
  • nc
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:p_u
  • nèy
  • CV.PST
  • lv
  • pa-tumpa-en
  • DYN-descend-PV
  • v:pred
  • =na
  • =3SG.GEN
  • =pro.h:a_u
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =rv
‘Ah he has brought down (the bamboo tube with the palm sugar sap).’
a, ninamou wèè witu nujungena ndè'imou
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • a
  • PART
  • nc
  • niana
  • DEM2
  • pro:p_u
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =rn
  • i-wèè
  • CV-give
  • v:pred
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0.h:a_u
  • witu
  • PREP2
  • adp
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • ujung
  • tip
  • np:l
  • =na
  • =3SG.GEN
  • =rn_pro:poss
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • rèy'
  • not
  • other
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =other
‘Ah (he) will put it [the bamboo tube] at the tip [of the palm sugar tree branch], no more.’
kelaarou, sianu ma'akesla ni'itu
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • klaar
  • finish
  • other
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =other
  • si=
  • AN.SG=
  • =ln
  • anu
  • np.h:a_a
  • <um>wa'akes
  • <AV>tie.with.string
  • v:pred
  • =la
  • =rv
  • ni'itu
  • DEM2
  • pro:p_a
‘Finished, whatstheirname will tie that off with string.’
tantumou itu makaluaroumi entimpa'
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • tantu
  • definitely
  • other
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =other
  • itu
  • DEM2
  • other
  • ma-kaluar
  • EV.STAT-go.out
  • v:pred
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =rv
  • =mi
  • =rv
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • timpa'
  • palm.sugar.sap
  • np:s
‘Definitely this, the palm sugar sap comes out [of the bamboo tube].’
siminèamou waki sabua
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • si=
  • 3SG.NOM=
  • =pro.h:s
  • <im>èa
  • <AV.PST>go
  • v:pred
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =rv
  • waki
  • PREP3
  • adp
  • sabua
  • hut
  • np:g
‘He's gone to a hut.’
nialimou niesa mpotung esa tantu mbutamou
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • <in>ali-en
  • <PST>bring-PV
  • v:pred
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =rv
  • ni=
  • AN.SG.GEN=
  • =ln
  • esa
  • one
  • np.h:a_u
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • potung
  • bamboo.tube
  • np:p_u
  • esa
  • one
  • rn
  • #
  • #
  • #rc_rn
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:s
  • tantu
  • definite
  • other
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • wuta
  • full
  • other:pred
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =rv
‘The first man has brought along the collection tube that is really full up [with sap].’
wo ni nèimou isèlokela witu rumping
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • wo
  • and
  • other
  • ini
  • DEM1
  • pro:p_u
  • nèy
  • CV.PST
  • lv
  • =mou
  • =CMP
  • =other
  • i-sèlok
  • CV-move
  • v:pred
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0.h:a_u
  • =la
  • =rv
  • witu
  • PREP2
  • adp
  • rumping
  • wok
  • np:g
‘(He) has moved this to the wok.’
patouanou api'
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • pa-tow-an
  • DYN-person-LV
  • v:pred
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =rv
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0.h:a_u
  • api'
  • fire
  • np:p_u
‘(He) lights the fire [i.e. 'makes it live'].’
pakatowala api itu ndè'imou
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • i-paka-tow
  • CV-COMP-person
  • v:pred
  • =la
  • =rv
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0.h:a_u
  • api
  • fire
  • np:p_u
  • itu
  • DEM2
  • rn
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • rèy'
  • not
  • neg
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =other
‘(After) (he) lights that fire, done.’
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • N=
  • 3SG.NOM=
  • =pro:p_u
  • kayo-en
  • stir-PV
  • v:pred
  • =nèa
  • =3PL.GEN
  • =pro.h:a_u
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =rv
‘They'll stir it [the palm sugar sap in the wok].’
a ye'i nitu wèè
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • a
  • HES
  • nc
  • ye'i
  • now
  • other
  • ni'tu
  • DEM2
  • pro:p_u
  • i-wèè
  • CV-give
  • v:pred
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0.h:a_u
‘And now (they'll) add this.’
makaro'ko'mou o
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:s
  • ma-karo'ko'
  • EV.STAT-froth
  • v:pred
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =rv
  • o
  • PART
  • nc
‘(The palm sugar) boils, oh.’
dèi'mou, mamualimou gula itu
  • #
  • #
  • ##neg
  • dèi'
  • not
  • other
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =other
  • ma-muali
  • EV.STAT-be
  • v:pred
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =rv
  • gula
  • sugar
  • np:s
  • itu
  • DEM2
  • rn
‘Finish [i.e. boiling, it's done], it becomes (hard) palm sugar.’
makaro'ko luar biasa ye
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ma-karo'ko'
  • EV.STAT-froth
  • v:pred
  • luar
  • outside
  • rv
  • biasa
  • normal
  • rv
  • ye'i
  • DEM1
  • pro:s
‘It's boiling extraordinarily.’
  • oo
  • PART
  • nc
mèmangou kouman luar biasa engula ye'i
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • mèmang
  • truly
  • other
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =other
  • kowman
  • definitely
  • other
  • luar
  • outside
  • np:pred
  • biasa
  • ordinary
  • rn
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • gula
  • palm.sugar.sap
  • np:s
  • ye'i
  • DEM1
  • rn
‘This palm sugar sap is really incredible.’
nemis kasa
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:s
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • emis
  • sweet
  • other:pred
  • kasa
  • very
  • other
‘(It) is very sweet.’
ka'a ntimpa' tantu itu timpa' emis
  • #
  • #
  • #ac
  • ka'a
  • because
  • other
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • timpa'
  • palm.sugar.sap
  • np:s
  • tantu
  • like.thus
  • rn
  • itu
  • DEM2
  • rn
  • timpa'
  • palm.sugar.sap
  • np:pred
  • emis
  • sweet
  • rn
‘Because palm sugar sap like this (is) sweet palm sugar sap.’
oo matè
  • oo
  • PART
  • nc
  • <um>patè
  • PART
  • nc
‘Oh dear me.’
karo'oko'ena luar biasa
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:p_u
  • karo'ko'-en
  • froth-PV
  • v:pred
  • =na
  • =3SG.GEN
  • =pro.h:a_u
  • luar
  • outside
  • rv
  • biasa
  • ordinary
  • rv
‘He will boil (it) intensely.’
siesa simalumumi
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • si=
  • AN.SG=
  • =ln
  • esa
  • one
  • np.h:dt_s
  • si=
  • 3SG.NOM=
  • =pro.h:s
  • ma-lumu
  • AV.DYN-add.wood.
  • v:pred
  • =mi
  • =rv
‘The one (guy) he adds wood.’
o kala mbinèèanamou panci
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • o
  • PART
  • nc
  • kala
  • PART
  • nc
  • w<in>èè-an
  • <PST>give-LV
  • v:pred
  • =na
  • =3SG.GEN
  • =pro.h:a_u
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =rv
  • panci
  • pan
  • np:p_u
‘Oh dear, he's already added the pan [i.e. put it on the fire].’
ya ensu, rèi' toro sumewu
  • #
  • #
  • ##neg
  • ya
  • AFF
  • nc
  • ensu
  • HES
  • nc
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:s
  • rèy'
  • don't
  • other
  • toro
  • AUX.can
  • aux
  • s<um>ewu
  • <AV>foam
  • v:pred
‘(The palm sugar) can't foam up too much [i.e. it can't be left to boil too much].’
jadi makaro'ko' sè itu sumewu mbèèananoula panci witu nuner
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • jadi
  • thus
  • other
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:s
  • ma-karo'ko'
  • EV.STAT-froth
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #ac
  • sa
  • if
  • other
  • itu
  • DEM2
  • pro:s
  • s<um>ewu
  • <AV>foam
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • wèè-en
  • give-PV
  • v:pred
  • =na
  • =3SG.GEN
  • =pro.h:a_u
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =rv
  • =la
  • =rv
  • panci
  • pan
  • np:p_u
  • witu
  • PREP2
  • adp
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • uner
  • middle
  • np:l
‘So it boils. If it foams up he puts the pan in the middle [of the wok; relates to a large round pan that sits in the middle of the boiling palm sugar sap].’
du makaro'oko' luar biasa nemis kasa ngula ni
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • adu
  • PART
  • nc
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:s
  • ma-karo'ko'
  • STAT.EV-froth
  • v:pred
  • luar
  • outside
  • rv
  • biasa
  • ordinary
  • rv
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • emis
  • sweet
  • other:pred
  • kasa
  • very
  • rv
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • gula
  • sugar
  • np:s
  • ini
  • DEM1
  • rn
‘Wow, (it) boils intensely, this palm sugar sap is very sweet.’
tuang paka, pakaro'ko'ana luar biasa
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • tuang
  • PART
  • nc
  • paka
  • HES
  • nc
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:p_u
  • pa-karo'ko'-an
  • DYN-froth-LV
  • v:pred
  • =na
  • =3SG.GEN
  • =pro.h:a_u
  • luar
  • outside
  • rv
  • biasa
  • ordinary
  • rv
‘Oh dear (now) he boils it up so much.’
èi parou'namou mpanci
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • èy
  • PART
  • nc
  • pa-row'-en
  • DYN-far-PV
  • v:pred
  • =na
  • =3SG.GEN
  • =pro.h:a_u
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =rv
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • panci
  • pan
  • np:p_u
‘Hey, he, he cleans out the wok.’
kaa entawimou malutu'
  • #
  • #
  • #ac
  • ka'a
  • because
  • other
  • N=
  • 3SG.NOM=
  • =pro:s
  • tawi
  • close
  • lv
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =other
  • ma-lutu'
  • EV.STAT-ripe
  • v:pred
‘Because it [the palm sugar] is almost cooking [boiling].’
mamualimou gula
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:s
  • ma-muali
  • EV.STAT-become
  • v:pred
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =rv
  • gula
  • sugar
  • np:other
‘Now (the palm sugar sap) becomes (hard) palm sugar.’
wo' mokan wona' stenga jam dèi'mou
  • #
  • #
  • #nc
  • wo
  • and
  • nc
  • =mowkan
  • =definitely
  • nc
  • wona'
  • maybe
  • nc
  • stenga
  • half
  • nc
  • jam
  • hour
  • nc
  • dèi'
  • NEG
  • nc
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • nc
‘And only maybe half an hour is no longer [the palm sugar sap is done].’
mamualimou gula
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:s
  • ma-muali
  • EV.STAT-be
  • v:pred
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =rv
  • gula
  • sugar
  • np:other
‘(Now it) is palm sugar.’
sèmasadiamou uka
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • sè=
  • 3PL.NOM=
  • =pro.h:a_a
  • ma-sadia
  • AV.DYN-prepare
  • v:pred
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =rv
  • uka
  • (half)coconut.shell
  • np:p_a
‘They prepare halved coconut shells [to hold the palm sugar].’
kaa nyii
  • #
  • #
  • #ac
  • ka'a
  • because
  • other
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • ye'i
  • now
  • other
‘Because now,’
niireta'mou wia ntana enuka ka'a embèanou
  • <in>reta'-en
  • PST-free-PV
  • v:pred
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =rv
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0.h:a_u
  • wia
  • PREP1
  • adp
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • tana'
  • earth/land
  • np:l
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • uka
  • (half)coconut.shell
  • np:p_u
  • #
  • #
  • #ac
  • ka'a
  • because
  • other
  • N=
  • 3SG.NOM=
  • =pro:dt
  • wewèan
  • other:predex
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =other
‘(they) have detached the half coconut shells on the ground, because there is it,’
ngula siniwola ntadi
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • gula
  • sugar
  • np:s
  • #
  • #
  • #rc_rn
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:p_u
  • s<in>iwo-en
  • <PST>do-PV
  • v:pred
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0.h:a_u
  • =la
  • =rv
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • tadi
  • earlier
  • other
‘the palm sugar that (they) made earlier.’
ta'an ka'a mpasu'pè papaghe'gheranèamou, è ola
  • #
  • #
  • #ac
  • ta'an
  • however
  • other
  • ka'a
  • because
  • other
  • N=
  • 3SG.NOM=
  • =pro:s
  • pasu'
  • hot
  • other:pred
  • =pè'
  • =INCMP
  • =rv
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:p_u
  • pa-pa-ghe'gher-an
  • CAUS-DYN-cold-LV
  • v:pred
  • =nèa
  • =3PL.GEN
  • =pro.h:a_u
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =rv
  • è
  • HES
  • nc
  • ola
  • HES
  • nc
‘But because it's still hot, they cool (the hot palm sugar) down.’
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:s
  • ma-karo'oko'
  • EV.STAT-froth
  • v:pred
  • =pè'
  • =INCMP
  • =rv
‘(It) still boils.’
binunu'nèamo napi
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • w<in>unu'-en
  • <PST>extinguish-PV
  • v:pred
  • =nèa
  • =3PL.GEN
  • =pro.h:a_u
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =rv
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • api'
  • fire
  • np:p_u
‘They've already put out the fire.’
  • rèy'
  • not
  • other
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =other
‘(it's) no longer [i.e. already done].’
pasodoanèami tu pawèèla itu ndano situ rèi'mou makerut
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:p_u
  • pa-sodo-an
  • DYN-ladle-LV
  • v:pred
  • =nèa
  • =3PL.GEN
  • =pro.h:a_u
  • =mi
  • =rv
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • tu
  • then
  • other
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:p_u
  • i-pa-wèè
  • CV-DYN-give
  • v:pred
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0.h:a_u
  • =la
  • =rv
  • witu
  • PREP2
  • adp
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • rano
  • water
  • np:g
  • #
  • #
  • #ac.neg
  • sa
  • if
  • other
  • itu
  • DEM2
  • pro:s
  • rèy'
  • not
  • other
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =other
  • ma-kerut
  • EV.STAT-crust
  • v:pred
‘They ladle (some of the palm sugar) out. Then (they) put (it) in some cold water, if it does not stick [to the side of the wok].’
tou ngulamou itu
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • tow
  • like
  • other
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • gula
  • palm.sugar
  • np:pred
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =rn
  • itu
  • DEM2
  • pro:s
‘This is like (hard) palm sugar.’
a dè'imou
  • a
  • HES
  • nc
  • rèy'
  • not
  • other
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =other
‘Ah, (it's) no longer [i.e. boiling, it's already finished].’
minamualimou gula
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:s
  • m<in>a-muali
  • EV.PST.STAT-be
  • v:pred
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =rv
  • gula
  • sugar
  • np:other
‘(It) has become palm sugar.’
èi wèènèamou itu nuka'
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • nèy
  • CV.PST
  • lv
  • wèè
  • give
  • v:pred
  • =nèa
  • =3PL.GEN
  • =pro.h:a_u
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =rv
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:p_u
  • witu
  • PREP2
  • adp
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • uka
  • (half)coconut.shell
  • np:g
‘They have put (it) into the coconut shell.’
empakipè'anamou situama
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • N=
  • 3SG.NOM=
  • =pro:p_u
  • i-paki-pè'an
  • REQ.CV-try
  • v:pred
  • =na
  • =3SG.GEN
  • =pro.h:a_u
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =rv
  • si=
  • AN.SG=
  • =ln
  • tuama
  • man
  • np.h:obl
‘He asks the (other) man to try it [the palm sugar].’
èi pekaanenou nituama niairum
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • èy
  • PART
  • nc
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:p_u
  • pa-kaan-en
  • DYN-rice-PV
  • v:pred
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =rv
  • ni=
  • AN.SG.GEN=
  • =ln
  • tuama
  • man
  • np.h:a_u
  • niairum
  • NC
  • nc
‘Hey the man eats (the palm sugar).’
èi isesepoukan
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • èy
  • PART
  • nc
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:p_u
  • i-sesep
  • CV-slurp
  • v:pred
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0.h:a_u
  • =mowkan
  • =definitely
  • =rv
‘Hey (he) will really slurp (the hardening palm sugar).’
aa dè'imou
  • a
  • HES
  • nc
  • rèy'
  • not
  • neg
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =other
‘Ok, no longer [i.e. already done, finished].’
sèmawèèmou wia
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • sè=
  • 3PL.NOM=
  • =pro.h:a_a
  • ma-wèè
  • AV.DYN-give
  • v:pred
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =rv
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:p_a
  • wia
  • PREP1
  • adp
‘They put (the plam sugar) in,’
ntampa pawèè' wia lulut mbalina
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • tampa
  • place
  • np:g
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:p_u
  • i-pa-wèè'
  • CV-DYN-give
  • v:pred
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0.h:a_u
  • wia
  • PREP1
  • adp
  • lulut
  • bamboo
  • np:g
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • walina
  • other
  • rn
‘at (its) place. (They) put (the plam sugar) in the other bamboo tube.’
papumpun ia lulut oki'i
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:p_u
  • i-pa-pumpun
  • CV-DYN-put.inside
  • v:pred
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0.h:a_u
  • wia
  • PREP1
  • adp
  • lulut
  • bamboo
  • np:g
  • oki'
  • small
  • rn
  • ye'i
  • DEM1
  • rn
‘(They) put (the palm sugar) in this small bamboo tube.’
wo pekekuran tuama ti'i kouman, èi nimpumpun tu lulut
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • wo
  • and
  • other
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:p_u
  • pa-Ce-kura-en
  • DYN.IRR-how-PV
  • v:pred
  • ni=
  • AN.SG.GEN=
  • =ln
  • tuama
  • man
  • np.h:a_u
  • iti'i
  • DEM1
  • rn
  • kowman
  • meanwhile
  • other
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • èy
  • PART
  • nc
  • N=
  • 3SG.NOM=
  • =pro:p_u
  • i-pumpun-en
  • CV-put.inside
  • v:pred
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0.h:a_u
  • witu
  • PREP2
  • adp
  • lulut
  • bamboo
  • np:g
‘Meanwhile how will this man [put the hot palm sugar in the tube]. Hey, he will put it inside the bamboo tube.’
sangawoka kouman empekayo'en api kaa empapaghegheran e
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • sangawoka
  • opposite
  • other
  • kowman
  • meanwhile
  • other
  • N=
  • 3SG=
  • =pro:dt_p_u
  • pa-kayo'-en
  • DYN-stir-PV
  • v:pred
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0.h:a_u
  • api
  • fire
  • np:p_u
  • #
  • #
  • #ac
  • ka'a
  • because
  • other
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:p_u
  • papaghegheran
  • CAUS-DYN-cold-LV
  • v:pred
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0.h:a_u
  • e
  • HES
  • nc
‘Meanwhile (the man) opposite him stirs the fire because (the other man) cools it down.’
sè tu ghergherou ndèi'mou niwèèanamou wia nuka'
  • #
  • #
  • #ac
  • sa
  • if
  • other
  • itu
  • DEM2
  • pro:s
  • ghergher
  • cold
  • other:pred
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =rv
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • rèy'
  • not
  • other
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =other
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:p_u
  • <in>wèè-an
  • <PST>give-LV
  • v:pred
  • =na
  • =3SG.GEN
  • =pro.h:a_u
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =rv
  • wia
  • PREP1
  • adp
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • uka
  • (half)coconut.shell
  • np:g
‘If that's already cool, finished. He has put (it) in the coconut shells.’
kalakeran nuka matè mbèèanitè
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ka-laker-an
  • POT-many-LV
  • v:pred
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0.h:a_u
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • uka
  • (half)coconut.shell
  • np:p_u
  • <um>patè
  • PART
  • nc
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • N=
  • 3SG.NOM=
  • =pro:p_u
  • wèè-an
  • give-LV
  • v:pred
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0.h:a_u
  • =itè
  • =LIM
  • =rv
‘(He) increases the (amount of) coconut shells. Oh dear (he) will just put them there.’
o pasil
  • #
  • #
  • #nc
  • o
  • PART
  • nc
  • pasil
  • PART
  • nc
‘Oh dear.’
e rumping ngkasela
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • nc
  • rumping
  • wok
  • nc
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • nc
  • ka-sela
  • very-big
  • nc
‘A really big wok.’
siesa pawèè wia
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • si=
  • AN.SG=
  • =ln
  • esa
  • one
  • np:p_u
  • i-pa-wèè
  • CV-DYN-give
  • v:pred
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0.h:a_u
  • wia
  • PREP1
  • adp
‘(He) adds the one [coconut shell] into,’
ndames o pe
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • rames
  • small.bamboo
  • np:g
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • wo
  • and
  • other
  • pe
  • HES
  • nc
‘a small bamboo . And,’
siwona gula sapaitu empawèènè itu ndames rintek iti'i
  • siwo-en
  • do-PV
  • v:pred
  • =na
  • =3SG.GEN
  • =pro.h:a_u
  • gula
  • sugar
  • np:p_u
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • sapa
  • what
  • other:pred
  • itu
  • DEM2
  • pro:s
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • N=
  • 3SG.NOM=
  • =pro:p_u
  • pa-wèè-en
  • DYN-give-PV
  • v:pred
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0.h:a_u
  • =pè'
  • =INCMP
  • =rv
  • witu
  • PREP2
  • adp
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • rames
  • small.bamboo
  • np:g
  • rintek
  • small
  • rn
  • iti'i
  • DEM1
  • rn
‘he will make palm sugar. What is this? (He) still puts (it) in the small bamboo (tube).’
ola siesa pawèèmou wia enuka
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ola
  • PART
  • nc
  • si=
  • AN.SG=
  • =ln
  • esa
  • one
  • np:p_u
  • i-pa-wèè
  • CV-DYN-give
  • v:pred
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0.h:a_u
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =rv
  • wia
  • PREP1
  • adp
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • uka
  • (half)coconut.shell
  • np:g
‘(He) puts the first (palm sugar) in the coconut shells.’
tuana ngkelaker itu satu rumping
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • tuana
  • thus
  • other
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • ka-laker
  • very-many
  • other:pred
  • itu
  • DEM2
  • pro:s
  • satu
  • one
  • ln
  • rumping
  • wok
  • np:other
‘So that is a lot (of palm sugar from) one wok.’
wo'o mamuali
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • wo'o
  • maybe
  • other
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:s
  • ma-muali
  • EV.STAT-become
  • nc
‘Maybe it's become,’
mamuali wona' lima puluh batu rè'
  • ma-muali
  • EV.STAT-become
  • v:pred
  • wona'
  • perhaps
  • other
  • lima
  • five
  • ln
  • puluh
  • ten
  • ln
  • batu
  • stone
  • np:other
  • rè'èn
  • PART
  • nc
‘(It) becomes perhaps 50 shells (of palm sugar) then.’
sanga rumping ensela
  • #
  • #
  • #nc
  • sanga
  • one
  • nc
  • rumping
  • wok
  • nc
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • nc
  • sela
  • big
  • nc
‘One large wok.’
dèi'kantè' lima puluh batu palo'ongkula èy
  • #
  • #
  • ##neg
  • rèy'
  • not
  • other
  • =kan
  • =also
  • =other
  • =itè'
  • =LIM
  • =other
  • lima
  • five
  • ln
  • puluh
  • ten
  • ln
  • batu
  • stone
  • np:p_u
  • pa-lo'o-en
  • DYN-see-PV
  • v:pred
  • =ku
  • =1SG.GEN
  • =pro.1:a_u
  • èy
  • PART
  • nc
‘I see not just [i.e no more than] fifty rocks (of palm sugar) hey.’
m, cuma sodomi
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • m
  • HES
  • nc
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:p_u
  • cuma
  • only
  • lv
  • i-sodo
  • CV-ladle
  • v:pred
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0.h:a_u
  • =mi
  • =rv
‘Ah (he) will just ladle out (the hot palm sugar).’
simodomou kasi o dèimoula kouman nokimokan
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0.h:a_a
  • s<im>odo
  • <AV.PST>ladle
  • v:pred
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =rv
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:p_a
  • kasi
  • more
  • rv
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • o
  • PART
  • nc
  • rèy'
  • not
  • other
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =other
  • =la
  • =other
  • kowman
  • meanwhile
  • other
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:s
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • oki'
  • small
  • other:pred
  • =mowkan
  • definitely
  • =other
‘(He) has already ladled out more (palm sugar). Oh, no more [finished], on the other it's really just a little bit.’
pakasodonami itu ndèi'mou
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • paka-sodo-en
  • COMP-ladle-PV
  • v:pred
  • =na
  • =3SG.GEN
  • =pro.h:a_u
  • =mi
  • =rv
  • itu
  • DEM2
  • pro:p_u
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =other
  • rèi'
  • not
  • other
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =other
‘It has finished being ladeled by him, it's no longer [i.e. it's done].’
papagegerala ni'itu mamualimou gula mea'
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • i-pa-pa-ghegher
  • CV-CAUS-DYN-cold
  • v:pred
  • =la
  • =rv
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0.h:a_u
  • ni'itu
  • DEM2
  • pro:p_u
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:s
  • ma-muali
  • EV.STAT-become
  • v:pred
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =rv
  • gula
  • sugar
  • np:other
  • mèa'
  • red
  • rn
‘(He) has cooled it down. (It) becomes (hard) palm sugar.’
ndè'imou ipapasu'enèami itu minamualimou gula batu merah
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • rèy'
  • not
  • other
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =other
  • i-pa-pasu'-en
  • CV-DYN-hot
  • v:pred
  • =nèa
  • =3PL.GEN
  • =pro.h:a_u
  • =mi
  • =rv
  • itu
  • DEM2
  • pro:p_u
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:s
  • ma<in>a-muali
  • EV.PST.STAT-become
  • v:pred
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =rv
  • gula
  • sugar
  • np:other
  • batu
  • rock
  • rn
  • mèra'
  • red
  • rn
‘It's no longer [it's done], they warm that up [the palm sugar liquid]. (It) has already become hard palm sugar.’
  • sudah
  • already
  • nc
‘It's already done’
dèi'moula, dèi' empa
  • rèi'
  • not
  • other
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =other
  • =la
  • =other
  • rèy'
  • not
  • other
  • empa
  • HES
  • nc
‘No longer [i.e. it's finished], not.’
wo nokimoukan witu rumping engkimerutou
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • wo
  • and
  • other
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • oki'
  • small
  • np:s
  • =mowkan
  • =definitely
  • =rn
  • witu
  • PREP2
  • adp
  • rumping
  • wok
  • np:pred_l
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • N=
  • 3SG.NOM=
  • =pro:s
  • k<im>erut
  • <AV.PST>stick
  • v:pred
  • =mow
  • =CMP
  • =rv
‘And just a little bit is in the wok. It has stuck [to the inside of the wok].’
wewèanè parou'mi witu nuka'
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • wewèan
  • other:predex
  • =pè'
  • =INCMP
  • =rv
  • #
  • #
  • #rc:s
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:p_u
  • i-pa-row'
  • CV-DYN-far
  • v:pred
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0.h:a_u
  • =mi
  • =rv
  • witu
  • PREP2
  • adp
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • uka
  • (half)coconut.shell
  • np:g
‘There's still (that which) (he) removed from the coconut shell.’
  • #
  • #
  • #nc
  • sanga
  • one
  • nc
rumping ensela ti'i dèi'kantè lima puluh batu lèbè rè'èn to
  • #
  • #
  • ##neg
  • rumping
  • wok
  • np:s
  • N=
  • INAN=
  • =ln
  • sela
  • big
  • rn
  • iti'i
  • DEM1
  • rn
  • rèy'
  • not
  • other
  • =kan
  • =also
  • =other
  • =itè'
  • =LIM
  • =other
  • lima
  • five
  • ln
  • puluh
  • ten
  • ln
  • batu
  • rock
  • np:pred
  • lèbè
  • more
  • other
  • rè'èn
  • PART
  • nc
  • to
  • PART
  • nc
‘that big wok isn't just fifty rocks [half shells worth of hard palm sugar], more perhaps, right?’
e kua se
  • e
  • PART
  • nc
  • ku'a
  • PART
  • nc
  • se
  • HES
  • nc
‘Eh, then...’
a sekarang so jadi
  • #
  • #
  • #nc
  • a
  • HES
  • nc
  • sekarang
  • now
  • nc
  • so
  • already
  • nc
  • jadi
  • become
  • nc
‘Ah now it's already done [code-switching to Manado Malay],’
  • sudah
  • sudah
  • nc
‘Already [done].’
gula merah
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • gula
  • sugar
  • np:s
  • merah
  • red
  • rn
‘The palm sugar (is),’
sudah selesai
  • sudah
  • already
  • other
  • selesai
  • completed
  • v:pred
‘already finished [code-switching to Bahasa Indonesia].’
dia sudah lepas dari tempat lihat itu
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • dia
  • 3.SG
  • pro.h:s
  • sudah
  • already
  • lv
  • lepas
  • free
  • v:pred
  • dari
  • PREP
  • adp
  • tempat
  • place
  • np:l
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0.1:a_a
  • lihat
  • see
  • v:pred
  • itu
  • DEM2
  • pro:p_a
‘He's already done with this place now, (I) see that. [code-switching to Bahasa Indonesia].’
dèpè tempat itu
  • #
  • #
  • #nc
  • dèpè
  • 3SG.GEN
  • nc
  • tempat
  • place
  • nc
  • itu
  • DEM2
  • nc
‘That place of his,’
  • tempurung
  • (half)coconut.shell
  • nc
‘coconut shells.’
dia kasih balik sudah jadi gula
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • dia
  • 3.SG
  • pro.h:s
  • kasih
  • more
  • rv
  • balik
  • return
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • sudah
  • already
  • lv
  • jadi
  • become
  • v:pred
  • gula
  • sugar
  • np:s
‘He returns (home) again (as) the palm sugar is already made [code-switching to Bahasa Indonesia].’