Text preview: mc_persian_g2-f-03

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  • Metadata summary
  • corpuspersian
  • textg2-f-03
  • speakerPS17
  • annotator(s)Shirin Adibifar
  • version2311
  • last updated2019-05-08
Annotation key
utterance identifier
object language utterance
  • grammatical words
  • morphological glosses
  • annotations with GRAID
  • referent indexing with RefIND
  • annotations with ISNRef
‘idiomatic translation’
Xob avale film ān āqāyi ke dāštand golābihā rā mičidand
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • Xob
  • well
  • other
  • avale
  • begininng.of
  • other
  • film
  • film
  • other
  • ān
  • that
  • ln_dem
  • āqāyi
  • man.INDF
  • np.h:a
  • #
  • #
  • #rc
  • ke
  • that
  • ke
  • dāštand
  • aux
  • golābihā
  • pear.PL
  • np:p
  • =rā
  • =ACC
  • =rn_acc
  • mičidand
  • pick.PST.IPFV.3PL
  • v:pred
‘at the beginning of the film there was a man picking the pears’
xeyli bā deqat, xeyli ba zerāfat in kār rā mikardand
  • %
  • %
  • %
  • xeyli
  • very
  • other
  • with
  • other
  • deqat,
  • attention
  • other
  • xeyli
  • very
  • other
  • ba
  • with
  • other
  • zerāfat
  • delicateness
  • other
  • in
  • this
  • ln_dem
  • kār
  • work
  • np:p
  • =rā
  • =ACC
  • =rn_acc
  • mikardand
  • do.PST.IND.3PL
  • v:pred
‘he does so very carefully and delicately’
ke be golābihāšān āsib naresad hatā az yek golābi ham nemigozaštand
  • #
  • #
  • #cc
  • ke
  • that
  • ke
  • be
  • to
  • adp
  • golābihā
  • pear.PL
  • np:g
  • =šān
  • =POSS.3PL
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • āsib
  • damage
  • np:s
  • naresad
  • NEG.reach.PRS.SBJV.3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #neg
  • hatā
  • even
  • other
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:s
  • az
  • from
  • adp
  • yek
  • one
  • ln_deti
  • golābi
  • pear
  • np:obl
  • ham
  • add
  • other
  • nemigozaštand
  • NEG.ignore.PST.IND.3PL
  • v:pred
‘not to damage the pears, he was really careful’
bexātere in ke tamizaš konand va jozve golābihāye digar bogzārandaš
  • #
  • #
  • #ac
  • bexātere
  • because
  • other
  • in
  • this
  • other
  • ke
  • that
  • other
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • tamiz
  • clean
  • other:lvc
  • =aš
  • =PRO.3SG
  • =pro:p
  • konand
  • do.PRS.SBJV.3PL
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • va
  • and
  • other
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • jozve
  • belonged
  • adp
  • golābihāye
  • pear.PL=EZAFE
  • np:other
  • digar
  • other
  • rn_lex
  • bogzārand
  • put.PRS.SBJV.3PL
  • v:pred
  • =aš
  • =PRO.3SG
  • =pro:p
‘to clean them and put them among other pears’
bad yek āqāyi āmad rad šod ke xeyli ehterāme ān āqāye bāqbān rā negah dāšt
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • bad
  • then
  • other
  • yek
  • one
  • ln_deti
  • āqāyi
  • man.INDF
  • np.h:s
  • āmad
  • come.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:s
  • rad
  • passing
  • other:lvc
  • šod
  • become.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • ke
  • that
  • ke
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • xeyli
  • very
  • other
  • ehterāme
  • respect=EZAFE
  • np:p
  • ān
  • that
  • rn_dem
  • āqāye
  • man=EZAFE
  • rn_np.h:poss
  • bāqbān
  • gardner
  • rn_lex
  • =rā
  • =ACC
  • =rn_acc
  • negah
  • keeping
  • other:lvc
  • dāšt
  • have.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
‘then a man came, passed by and was respectful to the gardner’
va nagozāšt gusfandaš az ān bālā biyāyad va čizi bardārad
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • va
  • and
  • other
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • nagozāšt
  • NEG.allow.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #cc:p
  • gusfand
  • sheep
  • np:s
  • =aš
  • =POSS.3SG
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • az
  • from
  • adp
  • ān
  • that
  • ln_dem
  • bālā
  • top
  • other:l
  • biyāyad
  • come.PRS.SBJV.3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • va
  • and
  • other
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0:a
  • čizi
  • thing
  • indef_other:p
  • bardārad
  • take.PRS.SBJV.3SG
  • v:pred
‘and didn't let his sheep to come and eat the fruits’
rad šod bedune ānke hatā be golābihā negāh konad
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:s
  • rad
  • passing
  • other:lvc
  • šod
  • become.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #ac
  • bedune
  • without
  • other
  • ān
  • that
  • other
  • ke
  • that
  • ke
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • hatā
  • even
  • other
  • be
  • to
  • adp
  • golābihā
  • pear.PL
  • np:p
  • negāh
  • look
  • other:lvc
  • konad
  • do.PRS.3SG
  • v:pred
‘the sheep crossed without even looking at the pears’
be māle mardom negāh konad
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • be
  • to
  • adp
  • māle
  • PROperty=EZAFE
  • np:p
  • mardom
  • people
  • rn_np.h:poss
  • negāh
  • look
  • other:lvc
  • konad
  • do.PRS.3SG
  • v:pred
‘without looking at what belongs to someone else’
bad az ān yek pesar bače āmad bā yek dočarxe ke aval xāst golābi rā bardārad
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • bad
  • then
  • other
  • az
  • from
  • other
  • ān
  • that
  • other
  • yek
  • one
  • ln_deti
  • pesarbače
  • little.boy
  • np.h:s
  • āmad
  • come.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
  • with
  • adp
  • yek
  • one
  • ln_deti
  • dočarxe
  • bike
  • np:obl
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • ke
  • that
  • ke
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • aval
  • first
  • other
  • xāst
  • want.PST.3SG
  • aux
  • golābi
  • pear
  • np:p
  • =rā
  • =ACC
  • =rn_acc
  • bardārad
  • take.PRS.SBJV.3SG
  • v:pred
‘afterwards there came a little boy on his bike, and at first he wanted to take only one pear’
bad be kam qāne našod va tamāme sabad rā bardāšt va bord
  • #
  • #
  • #neg
  • bad
  • then
  • other
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:s
  • be
  • to
  • other
  • kam
  • less
  • other
  • qāne
  • convinced
  • other:lvc
  • našod
  • NEG.become.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • va
  • and
  • other
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • tamāme
  • whole.of
  • ln_qu
  • sabad
  • basket
  • np:p
  • =rā
  • =ACC
  • =rn_acc
  • bardāšt
  • take.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • va
  • and
  • other
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • bord
  • take.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0:p
‘but he changed his mind and took the whole basket and went away’
aslan ham tuye zehnaš ān bāqbāni ke zahmat kešide bud barāye ān mivehā dar nazar nagereft
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • aslan
  • at.all
  • other
  • ham
  • add
  • other
  • tuye
  • inside
  • other
  • zehn
  • mind
  • other
  • =aš
  • =POSS.3SG
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • ān
  • that
  • ln_dem
  • bāqbāni
  • gardner.INDF
  • np.h:p
  • #
  • #
  • #rc
  • ke
  • that
  • ke
  • zahmat
  • trouble
  • other:lvc
  • kešide
  • pull.PST.PTCP
  • v:pred
  • bud
  • aux
  • barāye
  • for
  • adp
  • ān
  • that
  • ln_dem
  • mivehā
  • fruit.PL
  • np:obl
  • %
  • %
  • %
  • dar
  • in
  • other:lvc
  • nazar
  • opinion
  • other:lvc
  • nagereft
  • NEG.get.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
‘and didn't think about the gardner at all’
yek kami jolotar ke raft xord zamin
  • #
  • #
  • #ac
  • yek
  • a
  • other
  • kami
  • little
  • other
  • jolotar
  • further
  • other
  • ke
  • that
  • ke
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:s
  • raft
  • go.PST.IND.3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:s_cp
  • xord
  • eat.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
  • zamin
  • ground
  • other:lvc
‘as he went a bit further, he fell down’
bad čand tā pesar bače hamseno sale hamān pesar rā nešān dād
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • bad
  • then
  • other
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0:a
  • čand
  • several
  • ln_qu
  • piece
  • ln_class
  • pesarbače
  • little.boy
  • np.h:p
  • hamsenosale
  • same.age
  • rn_lex
  • hamān
  • same
  • rn_lex
  • pesar
  • boy
  • rn_lex
  • =rā
  • =ACC
  • =rn_acc
  • nešān
  • show
  • other:lvc
  • dād
  • give.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
‘then we saw a few boys of almost his age’
ke āmadand va be ān pesar bače komak kardand
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • ke
  • that
  • ke
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:s
  • āmadand
  • come.PST.3PL
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • va
  • and
  • other
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • be
  • to
  • adp
  • ān
  • that
  • ln_dem
  • pesarbače
  • little.boy
  • np:p
  • komak
  • help
  • other:lvc
  • kardand
  • do.PST.3PL
  • v:pred
‘came to help him’
tamāme vasilehāyaš rā barāyaš jam kardand
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • tamāme
  • whole=EZAFE
  • ln_qu
  • vasilehā
  • stuff
  • np:p
  • =yaš
  • =POSS.3SG
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • =rā
  • =ACC
  • =rn_acc
  • barāy
  • for
  • adp
  • =aš
  • =PRO.3SG
  • =pro.h:obl
  • jam
  • collected
  • other:lvc
  • kardand
  • do.PST.3PL
  • v:pred
‘gather up all his stuff’
bāz ham ān se pesar bače az in pesar hič češmdāšti nadāštand
  • #
  • #
  • #neg
  • bāz
  • again
  • other
  • ham
  • add
  • other
  • ān
  • that
  • ln_dem
  • se
  • three
  • ln_qu
  • pesarbače
  • little.boy
  • np.h:s_cp
  • az
  • from
  • adp
  • in
  • this
  • ln_dem
  • pesar
  • boy
  • np:obl
  • hič
  • nothing
  • other
  • češmdāšti
  • expectation
  • other:lvc
  • nadāštand
  • NEG.have.PST.3PL
  • v:pred
‘and they didn't expect anything from the boy in return’
tā inke yeki az ān pesarhā kolāhe ān pesar rā beheš bargardānd
  • #
  • #
  • #ac
  • untill
  • other
  • inke
  • inke
  • other
  • yeki
  • one
  • indef_other.h:a
  • az
  • from
  • rn_adp
  • ān
  • that
  • rn_dem
  • pesarhā
  • boy.PL
  • rn_np.h:poss
  • kolāhe
  • hat=EZAFE
  • np:p
  • ān
  • that
  • rn_dem
  • pesar
  • boy
  • rn_np.h:poss
  • =rā
  • =ACC
  • =rn_acc
  • be
  • to
  • adp
  • =heš
  • =PRO.3SG
  • =pro.h:g
  • bargardānd
  • return.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
‘then one of the boys gave back the little boy's hat’
ān pesar dar ezāye ān kolāh se tā golābi be inhā dād
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • ān
  • that
  • ln_dem
  • pesar
  • boy
  • np.h:a
  • dar
  • in
  • other
  • ezāye
  • return
  • other
  • ān
  • that
  • ln_dem
  • kolāh
  • hat
  • np:other
  • se
  • three
  • ln_qu
  • piece
  • ln_class
  • golābi
  • pear
  • np:p
  • be
  • to
  • adp
  • inhā
  • PRO.3PL
  • pro.h:g
  • dād
  • give.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
‘instead the boy gave them three pears’
ke azašān tašakor karde bāšad
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • ke
  • that
  • ke
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:s_cp
  • az
  • from
  • adp
  • =ašān
  • =PRO.3PL
  • =pro.h:obl
  • tašakor
  • appreciation
  • other:lvc
  • karde
  • do.PST.PTCP
  • v:pred
  • bāšad
  • be.PRS.SBJV.3SG
  • aux
‘in order to thank them’
va vaqti inhā be samte xāne dāštand barmigaštand in se tā pesar
  • #
  • #
  • #ac
  • va
  • and
  • other
  • vaqti
  • when
  • other
  • inhā
  • PRO.3PL
  • pro.h:s
  • be
  • to
  • adp
  • samte
  • direction.of
  • adp
  • xāne
  • house
  • np:g
  • dāštand
  • aux
  • barmigaštand
  • return.PST.IPFV.3PL
  • v:pred
  • in
  • this
  • ln_dem
  • se
  • three
  • ln_qu
  • piece
  • ln_class
  • pesar
  • boy
  • np.h:dt
‘and while they were on their way back home’
bāqbān ān vaqt golābihā rā daste ānhā did va motevajeh šod ke golābihā māle bāqe xodeš hastand
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • bāqbān
  • gardner
  • np.h:a
  • ān
  • that
  • other
  • vaqt
  • time
  • other
  • golābihā
  • pear.PL
  • np:p
  • =rā
  • =ACC
  • =rn_acc
  • daste
  • hand=EZAFE
  • np:l
  • ānhā
  • PRO.3PL
  • rn_pro.h:poss
  • did
  • see.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • va
  • and
  • other
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a_cp
  • motevajeh
  • noticed
  • other:lvc
  • šod
  • become.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #cc:p
  • ke
  • that
  • ke
  • golābihā
  • pear.PL
  • np:s
  • māle
  • belonged
  • adp
  • bāqe
  • garden=EZAFE
  • np:obl
  • xod
  • self
  • rn_refl.h:poss
  • =aš
  • =POSS.3SG
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • hastand
  • be.PRS.3PL
  • v:pred
‘the gardner saw the pears in their hands and found out the pears belonged to his garden’
va dige motevajehe kam budane sabadhā šod vali bā in hāl hiči nagoft va ān se pesar bače rad šodand
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • va
  • and
  • other
  • digar
  • other
  • other
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a_cp
  • motevajehe
  • noticed
  • other:lvc
  • #
  • #
  • #cc:p
  • kam
  • less
  • lv_other
  • budane
  • being=EZAFE
  • vother
  • sabadhā
  • basket.PL
  • np:other
  • šod
  • become.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #neg
  • vali
  • but
  • other
  • with
  • other
  • in
  • this
  • other
  • hāl
  • condition
  • other
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • hiči
  • nothing
  • indef_other:p
  • nagoft
  • NEG.say.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • va
  • and
  • other
  • ān
  • that
  • ln_dem
  • se
  • three
  • ln_qu
  • pesarbače
  • little.boy
  • np.h:s
  • rad
  • passing
  • other:lvc
  • šodand
  • become.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
‘althought he noticed that one of the baskets was not there, he didn't say anything and the boys passed.’