Text preview: mc_persian_g1-f-10

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  • Metadata summary
  • corpuspersian
  • textg1-f-10
  • speakerPS10
  • annotator(s)Shirin Adibifar
  • version2311
  • last updated2019-05-08
Annotation key
utterance identifier
object language utterance
  • grammatical words
  • morphological glosses
  • annotations with GRAID
  • referent indexing with RefIND
  • annotations with ISNRef
‘idiomatic translation’
Yek ruz sobh, sobhe zud, vaqte xorus xān moqei ke sedāye xorus miyāmad
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • Yek
  • one
  • other
  • ruz
  • day
  • other
  • sobh,
  • morning
  • other
  • sobhe
  • morning=EZAFE
  • other
  • zud,
  • early
  • other
  • vaqte
  • when
  • other
  • xorus
  • rooster
  • other
  • xān
  • singing
  • other
  • moqei
  • when
  • other
  • ke
  • that
  • ke
  • sedāye
  • sound=EZAFE
  • np:s
  • xorus
  • rooster
  • rn_np:poss
  • miyāmad
  • come.PST.IND.3SG
  • v:pred
‘One morning, one early morning, when the rooster was crowing’
marde bāqbān az deraxt bālā raft ke golābihā rā bečinad
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • marde
  • man=EZAFE
  • np.h:s
  • bāqbān
  • gardner
  • rn_lex
  • az
  • from
  • adp
  • deraxt
  • tree
  • np:l
  • bālā
  • up
  • lv
  • raft
  • go.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #cc
  • ke
  • that
  • ke
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • golābihā
  • pear.PL
  • np:p
  • =rā
  • =ACC
  • =rn_acc
  • bečinad
  • pick.PRS.SBJV.3SG
  • v:pred
‘the gardner climbed up the tree to pick pears’
yek seri golābi čid āvard pāyin
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • yek
  • one
  • ln_qu
  • seri
  • row
  • ln_class
  • golābi
  • pear
  • np:p
  • čid
  • pick.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • āvard
  • bring.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
  • pāyin
  • down
  • rv
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0:p
‘he picked some pears and brought them down’
gozāšt rixt tuye sabad čand tāyaš rā bā dastmal gardanaš pāk kard
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • gozāšt
  • put.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
  • rixt
  • pour.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0:p
  • tuye
  • in
  • adp
  • sabad
  • basket
  • np:g
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • čand
  • a.few
  • ln_qu
  • piece
  • class_np:p
  • =yaš
  • =PRO.3SG
  • =pro:obl
  • =rā
  • =ACC
  • =rn_acc
  • with
  • adp
  • dastmalgardan
  • neckerchief
  • np:obl
  • =aš
  • =POSS.3SG
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • pāk
  • clean
  • other:lvc
  • kard
  • do.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
‘put them in the basket, cleaned a few with his scarf’
bad dobāre az nardebān raft bālā ke baqiyeaš rā bečinad
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • bad
  • then
  • other
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:s
  • dobāre
  • again
  • other
  • az
  • from
  • adp
  • nardebān
  • ladder
  • np:obl
  • raft
  • go.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
  • bālā
  • up
  • rv
  • #
  • #
  • #cc
  • ke
  • that
  • ke
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • baqiye
  • rest
  • qu_np:p
  • =aš
  • =POSS.3SG
  • =pro:obl
  • =rā
  • =ACC
  • =rn_acc
  • bečinad
  • pick.PRS.SBJV.3SG
  • v:pred
‘then again he climbed up the ladder to pick the pears again’
Dar heyne inke dāšt mičid yek marde javāni bā yek boz āmad rad šod
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • Dar
  • in
  • other
  • heyne
  • time
  • other
  • inke
  • that
  • other
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • dāšt
  • aux
  • mičid
  • pick.PST.IPFV.3SG
  • v:pred
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0:p
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • yek
  • one
  • ln_deti
  • marde
  • man=EZAFE
  • np.h:s
  • javāni
  • young
  • rn_lex
  • with
  • adp
  • yek
  • one
  • ln_deti
  • boz
  • goat
  • np:obl
  • āmad
  • come.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:s
  • rad
  • passing
  • other:lvc
  • šod
  • become.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
‘while picking, a young man came with his goat, he crossed the gardner over’
bad yek pesare kučaki bā dočarxe dāšt rad mišod
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • bad
  • then
  • other
  • yek
  • one
  • ln_deti
  • pesare
  • boy=EZAFE
  • np.h:s
  • kučaki
  • little.INDF
  • rn_lex
  • with
  • adp
  • dočarxe
  • bike
  • np:obl
  • dāšt
  • aux
  • rad
  • passing
  • other:lvc
  • mišod
  • become.PST.IPFV.3SG
  • v:pred
‘then a little boy on the bike was passing’
ke āmad rad bešavad sabadhāye golābi rā ke did vasvase šod az dočarxe piyāde šod
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • ke
  • that
  • ke
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:s
  • āmad
  • aux
  • rad
  • passing
  • other:lvc
  • bešavad
  • become.PRS.SBJV.3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • sabadhāye
  • basket.PL=EZAFE
  • np:p
  • golābi
  • pear
  • rn_lex
  • =rā
  • =ACC
  • =rn_acc
  • ke
  • that
  • ke
  • did
  • see.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:s
  • vasvase
  • tempted
  • other:lvc
  • šod
  • become.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:s
  • az
  • from
  • adp
  • dočarxe
  • bike
  • np:obl
  • piyāde
  • dismounted
  • other:lvc
  • šod
  • become.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
‘While crossing, he saw the pear baskets and got tempted so he got off the bike’
va āmad man fekr kardam aval momken ast yeki do tā bardārad ke bexāhad boxorad bad didam na kolle sabad rā, yeki az se sabad rā bardāšt
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • va
  • and
  • other
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:s
  • āmad
  • come.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • man
  • PRO.1SG
  • pro.1:s_cp
  • fekr
  • thought
  • other:lvc
  • kardam
  • do.PST.1SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • aval
  • first
  • other
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0:s
  • momken
  • POSSible
  • other
  • ast
  • be.PRS.3SG
  • cop
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • yeki
  • one
  • ln_qu
  • do
  • two
  • ln_qu
  • piece
  • class_np:p
  • bardārad
  • pick.up.PRS.SBJV.3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #cc
  • ke
  • that
  • ke
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • bexāhad
  • aux
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0:p
  • boxorad
  • eat.PRS.SBJV.3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • bad
  • then
  • other
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.1:a
  • didam
  • see.PST.1SG
  • v:pred
  • na
  • no
  • other
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • kolle
  • whole
  • ln_qu
  • sabad
  • basket
  • np:dt
  • =rā
  • =ACC
  • =rn_acc
  • yeki
  • one
  • indef_other:p
  • az
  • of
  • rn_adp
  • se
  • three
  • rn_qu
  • sabad
  • basket
  • rn_np:poss
  • =rā
  • =ACC
  • =rn_acc
  • bardāšt
  • pick.up.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
‘and came, I thought that he might take one or two pears to eat, but then I saw he took the whole basket, one of the baskets’
gozāšt ruye dočarxeaš az sabadhāye xeyli por rā va dar haghighat dozdidaš
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • gozāšt
  • put.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
  • ruye
  • on
  • adp
  • dočarxe
  • bike
  • np:l
  • =aš
  • =POSS.3SG
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • az
  • from
  • adp
  • sabadhāye
  • basket.PL=EZAFE
  • np:p
  • xeyli
  • very
  • rn_lex
  • por
  • full
  • rn_lex
  • =rā
  • =ACC
  • =rn_acc
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • va
  • and
  • other
  • dar
  • in
  • other
  • haghighat
  • truth
  • other
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • dozdid
  • steal.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
  • =aš
  • =PRO.3SG
  • =pro:p
‘he put it on his bike, one of the full baskets, actually he stole it.’
Vaqti ke dāšt miraft yavāšaki in kār rā kard marde bāqbān ruye nardebān vasate šāxo barge deraxt dāšt golābi mičid nadid
  • #
  • #
  • #ac
  • Vaqti
  • when
  • other
  • ke
  • that
  • ke
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:s
  • dāšt
  • aux
  • miraft
  • go.PST.IPFV.3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • yavāšaki
  • secretly
  • other
  • in
  • this
  • ln_dem
  • kār
  • work
  • np:p
  • =rā
  • =ACC
  • =rn_acc
  • kard
  • do.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • marde
  • man=EZAFE
  • np.h:a
  • bāqbān
  • gadrner
  • rn_lex
  • ruye
  • on
  • adp
  • nardebān
  • ladder
  • np:l
  • vasate
  • between
  • adp
  • šāxobarge
  • branch=EZAFE
  • np:l
  • deraxt
  • tree
  • rn_np:poss
  • dāšt
  • aux
  • golābi
  • pear
  • np:p
  • mičid
  • pick.PST.IPFV.3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #neg
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • nadid
  • NEG.see.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0:p
‘while he was going away, he did it secretly, the gardner was still on top of the ladder picking the pears, so he couldn't see the scene’
motevajeh našod
  • #
  • #
  • #neg
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:s
  • motevajeh
  • noticed
  • other:lvc
  • našod
  • NEG.become.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
‘he didn't notice anything’
vaqti pesar dāšt ba sabade golābi bā dočarxe miraft
  • #
  • #
  • #ac
  • vaqti
  • when
  • other
  • pesar
  • boy
  • np.h:s
  • dāšt
  • aux
  • ba
  • with
  • adp
  • sabade
  • basket=EZAFE
  • np:obl
  • golābi
  • pear
  • rn_lex
  • with
  • adp
  • dočarxe
  • bike
  • np:obl
  • miraft
  • go.PST.IPFV.3SG
  • v:pred
‘when the little boy was leaving with the basket on his bike’
yek pesare kučake digar ba dočarxe az baqaleš rad šod
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • yek
  • one
  • ln_deti
  • pesare
  • boy=EZAFE
  • np.h:s
  • kučake
  • little=EZAFE
  • rn_lex
  • digar
  • another
  • rn_lex
  • ba
  • with
  • adp
  • dočarxe
  • bike
  • np:obl
  • az
  • from
  • adp
  • baqal
  • side
  • adp
  • =aš
  • =POSS.3SG
  • =pro.h:l
  • rad
  • passing
  • other:lvc
  • šod
  • become.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
‘another little boy on a bike passed him’
havāsaš part šod
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:ncs
  • havās
  • attention
  • other:lvc
  • =aš
  • =POSS.3SG
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • part
  • seperated
  • other:lvc
  • šod
  • become.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
‘he got distracted’
pesare kučak kolāhaš rā bād bord va saraš rā bargardānd kolāhaš rā bād bord havāsaš part šod va bā dočarxe oftād zamin
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • pesare
  • boy=EZAFE
  • np.h:dt
  • kučak
  • little
  • rn_lex
  • kolāh
  • hat
  • np:p
  • =aš
  • =POSS.3SG
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • =rā
  • =ACC
  • =rn_acc
  • bād
  • wind
  • np:a
  • bord
  • take.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • va
  • and
  • other
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • sar
  • head
  • np:p
  • =aš
  • =POSS.3SG
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • =rā
  • =ACC
  • =rn_acc
  • bargardānd
  • turn.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • kolāh
  • hat
  • np:p
  • =aš
  • =POSS.3SG
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • =rā
  • =ACC
  • =rn_acc
  • bād
  • wind
  • np:a
  • bord
  • take.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:ncs
  • havās
  • attention
  • other:lvc
  • =aš
  • =POSS.3SG
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • part
  • seperated
  • other:lvc
  • šod
  • become.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • va
  • and
  • other
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:s
  • with
  • adp
  • dočarxe
  • bike
  • np:obl
  • oftād
  • fall.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
  • zamin
  • ground
  • rv
‘the wind blew off the boy's hat, he turned back, he got distracted and fell down’
sabade golābihā ham oftād va tamāme golābiha ham paxše zamin šod
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • sabade
  • basket=EZAFE
  • np:s
  • golābihā
  • pear.PL
  • rn_lex
  • ham
  • add
  • other
  • oftād
  • fall.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • va
  • and
  • other
  • tamāme
  • all
  • ln_qu
  • golābiha
  • pear.PL
  • np:s
  • ham
  • add
  • other
  • paxše
  • scattered
  • other:lvc
  • zamin
  • ground
  • np:l
  • šod
  • become.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
‘the basket fell off the bike too, and all the pears spilled out’
va vaqti in etefāq oftād čand tā pesare kučake digar šāhede in manzare budand
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • va
  • and
  • other
  • vaqti
  • when
  • other
  • in
  • this
  • ln_dem
  • etefāq
  • incident
  • np:s
  • oftād
  • fall.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • čand
  • a.few
  • ln_qu
  • piece
  • ln_class
  • pesare
  • boy=EZAFE
  • np.h:a_cp
  • kučake
  • little=EZAFE
  • rn_lex
  • digar
  • other
  • rn_lex
  • šāhede
  • witnessed=EZAFE
  • other:lvc
  • in
  • this
  • ln_dem
  • manzare
  • scene
  • np:p
  • budand
  • be.PST.3PL
  • v:pred
‘when that happend, a few boys were watching the scene’
ān kenār istāde budand
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:s
  • ān
  • that
  • ln_dem
  • kenār
  • side
  • np:l
  • istāde
  • stand.PST.PTCP
  • v:pred
  • budand
  • aux
‘they were standing near the place’
va āmadand be in pesar komak kardand dočarxeaš rā boland kardand golābihā rā jam kardand tuye sabad rixtand
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • va
  • and
  • other
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • āmadand
  • come.PST.3PL
  • aux
  • be
  • to
  • adp
  • in
  • this
  • ln_dem
  • pesar
  • boy
  • np.h:p
  • komak
  • help
  • other:lvc
  • kardand
  • do.PST.3PL
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • dočarxe
  • bike
  • np:p
  • =aš
  • =POSS.3SG
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • =rā
  • =ACC
  • =rn_acc
  • boland
  • high
  • other:lvc
  • kardand
  • do.PST.3PL
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • golābihā
  • pear.PL
  • np:p
  • =rā
  • =ACC
  • =rn_acc
  • jam
  • collected
  • other:lvc
  • kardand
  • do.PST.3PL
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • tuye
  • inside
  • adp
  • sabad
  • basket
  • np:g
  • rixtand
  • pour.PST.3PL
  • v:pred
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0:p
‘and they came to help the boy, gathered up the pears and put them in the basket’
lebāshāye pesar rā tekāndand pesar engār pāyaš zaxm šode bud
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • lebās-hāye
  • clothes=EZAFE
  • np:p
  • pesar
  • boy
  • rn_np.h:poss
  • =rā
  • =ACC
  • =rn_acc
  • tekāndand
  • shake.PST.3PL
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • pesar
  • boy
  • np.h:ncs
  • engār
  • supposedly
  • other
  • leg
  • np:other
  • =yaš
  • =POSS.3SG
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • zaxm
  • wound
  • other:lvc
  • šode
  • become.PST.PTCP
  • v:pred
  • bud
  • aux
‘they dusted the boy's clothes, it seemed that his foot was injured’
vali beheš komak kardand dobāre savāre dočarxe šavad sabadaš rā gozāštand ruye dočarxe ke dobāre rāh bioftad
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • vali
  • but
  • other
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • be
  • to
  • adp
  • =heš
  • =PRO.3SG
  • =pro.h:p
  • komak
  • help
  • other:lvc
  • kardand
  • do.PST.3PL
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:s
  • dobāre
  • again
  • other
  • savāre
  • sitting.on
  • other:lvc
  • dočarxe
  • bike
  • np:l
  • šavad
  • become.PRS.SBJV.3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • sabad
  • basket
  • np:p
  • =aš
  • =POSS.3SG
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • =rā
  • =ACC
  • =rn_acc
  • gozāštand
  • put.PST.3PL
  • v:pred
  • ruye
  • on
  • adp
  • dočarxe
  • bike
  • np:l
  • #
  • #
  • #cc
  • ke
  • that
  • ke
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:s
  • dobāre
  • again
  • other
  • rāh
  • way
  • other:lvc
  • bioftad
  • fall.PRS.SBJV.3SG
  • v:pred
‘but they helped him to get on his bike again, put the basket on the bike and go’
va jolotar ke raftand va pesar ke rāh oftād
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • va
  • and
  • other
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:s
  • jolotar
  • further
  • other
  • ke
  • that
  • ke
  • raftand
  • go.PST.3PL
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • va
  • and
  • other
  • pesar
  • boy
  • np.h:s
  • ke
  • that
  • ke
  • rāh
  • way
  • other:lvc
  • oftād
  • fall.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
‘they went a bit farther and the boy had already left’
inhā, pesar bačehā jolotar ke āmadand kolāhe pesare rā peydā kardand
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • inhā,
  • PRO.3PL
  • pro.h:dt
  • pesarbačehā
  • little.boy.PL
  • np.h:s
  • jolotar
  • further
  • other
  • ke
  • that
  • ke
  • āmadand
  • come.PST.3PL
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • kolāhe
  • hat=EZAFE
  • np:p
  • pesare
  • boy.DEF
  • rn_np.h:poss
  • =rā
  • =ACC
  • =rn_acc
  • peydā
  • found
  • other:lvc
  • kardand
  • do.PST.3PL
  • v:pred
‘they, the boys came farther, and found the little boy's hat’
va beheš raftand dādand va dar ezāyaš čand tā golābi be onvāne tašakor gereftand
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • va
  • and
  • other
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • be
  • to
  • adp
  • =heš
  • =POSS.3SG
  • =pro.h:g
  • raftand
  • go.PST.3PL
  • aux
  • dadand
  • give.PST.3PL
  • v:pred
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0:p
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • va
  • and
  • other
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • dar-ezā
  • in.return
  • other
  • =yāš
  • =PRO.3SG
  • =rn_pro:poss
  • čand
  • a.few
  • ln_qu
  • piece
  • ln_class
  • golābi
  • pear
  • np:p
  • be
  • as
  • other
  • onvāne
  • title
  • other
  • tašakor
  • appreciation
  • other
  • gereftand
  • get.PST.3PL
  • v:pred
‘they gave it back to him and in return they received a few pears’
se tā golābi dar haqiqat čon se nafar budand
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • se
  • three
  • other
  • piece
  • other
  • golābi
  • pear
  • other
  • dar
  • in
  • other
  • haqiqat,
  • truth
  • other
  • čon
  • because
  • other
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:s
  • se
  • three
  • ln_qu
  • nafar
  • person
  • np.h:pred
  • budand
  • be.PST.3PL
  • cop
‘three pears actually, because they were three’
va šoru kardand xordane golābihā dar eyne hāl, marde bāqbān az deraxt āmad pāyin
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • va
  • and
  • other
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • šoru
  • start
  • other:lvc
  • kardand
  • do.PST.3PL
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • xordane
  • eating=EZAFE
  • vother
  • golābihā
  • pear.PL
  • np:p
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • dar
  • in
  • other
  • eyne
  • same
  • other
  • hāl,
  • time
  • other
  • marde
  • man=EZAFE
  • np.h:s
  • bāqbān
  • gardner
  • rn_lex
  • az
  • from
  • adp
  • deraxt
  • tree
  • np:l
  • āmad
  • come.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
  • pāyin
  • down
  • rv
‘then they started eating them, at the same time the gardner climbed down the tree’
va sabadhāyaš rā šemord va did yekišān kam ast
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • va
  • and
  • other
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • sabadhā
  • basket.PL
  • np:p
  • =yaš
  • =POSS.3SG
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • =rā
  • =ACC
  • =rn_acc
  • šemord
  • count.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • va
  • and
  • other
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • did
  • see.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #cc:p
  • yeki
  • one
  • indef_other:s
  • =šān
  • =PRO.3PL
  • =pro:obl
  • kam
  • less
  • other:pred
  • ast
  • be.PRS.3SG
  • cop
‘and counted his baskets and found out that one of them is not there’
va taajob kard ke če etefāqi oftāde va če juri šode ke dozdide šode yā mānde bud ke če etefāqi oftāde ke in se tā bače āmadand dar hāle gāz zadane golābi az kenāraš rad šodand
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • va
  • and
  • other
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:s_cp
  • ta'ajob
  • surprise
  • other:lvc
  • kard
  • do.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • ke
  • that
  • ke
  • če
  • what
  • ln_lex
  • etefāqi
  • incident
  • np:s
  • oftāde
  • fall.PST.PTCP
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • va
  • and
  • other
  • če
  • what
  • other
  • juri
  • like
  • other
  • šode
  • become.PFV.IND.3SG
  • other
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • ke
  • that
  • ke
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0:s
  • dozdide
  • steal.PST.PTCP
  • v:pred
  • šode
  • become.PST.PTCP
  • aux
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • or
  • other
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:s
  • mānde
  • confused
  • other:pred
  • bud
  • be.PST.3SG
  • cop
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • ke
  • that
  • ke
  • če
  • what
  • ln_lex
  • etefāqi
  • incident
  • np:s
  • oftāde
  • fall.PST.PTCP
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • ke
  • that
  • ke
  • in
  • this
  • ln_dem
  • se
  • three
  • ln_qu
  • piece
  • ln_class
  • bače
  • kid
  • np.h:s
  • āmadand
  • come.PST.3PL
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • dar
  • in
  • other
  • hāle
  • condition.of
  • other
  • gāz
  • bite
  • other:lvc
  • zadane
  • hitting
  • vother
  • golābi
  • pear
  • np:p
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:s
  • az
  • from
  • adp
  • kenār
  • side
  • adp
  • =aš
  • =POSS.3SG
  • =pro.h:l
  • rad
  • passing
  • other:lvc
  • šodand
  • become.PST.3PL
  • v:pred
‘he got surprised and while he was wondering what had happend to the basket, the three boys arrived eating the pears, and passed the man’
va mard ham ba taajob behešān negāh mikard ke če etefāqi oftāde va āyā inhā hamān golābihā hastand golābihāye dozdide šodeye mard hastand kojā mitavānand bāšand in bačehā dozdidand yā či šode
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • va
  • and
  • other
  • mard
  • man
  • np.h:a
  • ham
  • add
  • other
  • ba
  • with
  • adp
  • taajob
  • surprise
  • np:obl
  • be
  • to
  • adp
  • =hešān
  • =PRO.3PL
  • =pro.h:p
  • negāh
  • look
  • other:lvc
  • mikard
  • do.PST.IND.3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • ke
  • that
  • ke
  • če
  • what
  • ln_lex
  • etefāqi
  • incident
  • np:s
  • oftāde
  • fall.PST.PTCP
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • va
  • and
  • other
  • āyā
  • whether
  • other
  • inhā
  • PRO.3PL
  • pro:s
  • hamān
  • same
  • ln_lex
  • golābihā
  • pear.PL
  • np:pred
  • hastand
  • be.PRS.3PL
  • cop
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0:s
  • golābihāye
  • pear.PL
  • np:pred
  • dozdide
  • stolen
  • rn_lex
  • šodeye
  • become=EZAFE
  • rn_lex
  • mard
  • man
  • rn_np.h:poss
  • hastand
  • be.PRS.3PL
  • cop
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0:s
  • kojā
  • where
  • other
  • mitavānand
  • can.AUX.PRS.3PL
  • aux
  • bāšand
  • be.PRS.SBJV.3PL
  • v:predex
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • in
  • this
  • ln_dem
  • bačehā
  • kid.PL
  • np.h:a
  • dozdidand
  • steal.PST.3PL
  • v:pred
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0:p
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • or
  • other
  • či
  • what
  • other
  • šode
  • become.PST.PTCP
  • v:pred
‘and the man was looking at them surprisingly and wondering what had happend to the basket, whether these pears are the stolen pears of his, where they could be, whether these boys stole the basket, or what happend.’