Text preview: mc_persian_g1-f-05

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  • Metadata summary
  • corpuspersian
  • textg1-f-05
  • speakerPS05
  • annotator(s)Shirin Adibifar
  • version2311
  • last updated2019-05-08
Annotation key
utterance identifier
object language utterance
  • grammatical words
  • morphological glosses
  • annotations with GRAID
  • referent indexing with RefIND
  • annotations with ISNRef
‘idiomatic translation’
Yek zamine xeyli bozorgi bud, mesle yek bāq ke pore deraxte sib bud
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • Yek
  • one
  • ln_deti
  • zamine
  • land=EZAFE
  • np:s
  • xeyli
  • very
  • rn_lex
  • bozorgi
  • big
  • rn_lex
  • bud,
  • be.PST.3SG
  • v:predex
  • mesle
  • like
  • other
  • yek
  • one
  • ln_deti
  • bāq
  • garden
  • np:s
  • #
  • #
  • #rc
  • ke
  • that
  • ke
  • pore
  • full.of
  • other:pred
  • deraxte
  • tree=EZAFE
  • rn_lex
  • sib
  • apple
  • rn_lex
  • bud
  • be.PST.3SG
  • cop
‘there was a big farm or a garden full of apple trees’
bad yek āqāyi ke hālā nemidānam sāhebe ān bāq bud yā yek mardome ādi bud rafte bud bālāye ān deraxt
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • bad
  • then
  • other
  • yek
  • one
  • ln_deti
  • āqāyi
  • man.INDF
  • np.h:s
  • #
  • #
  • #neg
  • ke
  • that
  • ke
  • hālā
  • now
  • other
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.1:a
  • nemidānam
  • NEG.know.PRS.IND.1SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #rc
  • sāhebe
  • owner=EZAFE
  • np.h:pred
  • ān
  • that
  • rn_dem
  • bāq
  • garden
  • rn_lex
  • bud
  • be.PST.3SG
  • cop
  • or
  • other
  • %
  • %
  • %
  • yek
  • one
  • ln_deti
  • mardome
  • people=EZAFE
  • np.h:pred
  • ādi
  • ordinary
  • rn_lex
  • bud
  • be.PST.3SG
  • cop
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • rafte
  • go.PST.PTCP
  • v:pred
  • bud
  • aux
  • bālāye
  • top.of
  • adp
  • ān
  • that
  • ln_dem
  • deraxt
  • tree
  • np:l
‘there was a man, whom I don't know whether he was the owner of the garden or some passerby, he went on top of the tree’
sibhā rā az ruye deraxt mičid va hame rā rixte bud tuye se tā az in sabadhā
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • sibhā
  • apple.PL
  • np:p
  • =rā
  • =ACC
  • =rn_acc
  • az
  • from
  • adp
  • ruye
  • on
  • adp
  • deraxt
  • tree
  • np:l
  • mičid
  • pick.PST.IND.3SG
  • v:pred
  • va
  • and
  • other
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • hame
  • whole
  • qu_np:p
  • =rā
  • =ACC
  • =rn_acc
  • rixte
  • pour.PST.PTCP
  • v:pred
  • bud
  • aux
  • tuye
  • inside
  • adp
  • se
  • three
  • ln_qu
  • piece
  • class_np:g
  • az
  • from
  • rn_adp
  • in
  • this
  • rn_dem
  • sabadhā
  • basket.PL
  • rn_np:poss
‘he was picking apples and he put them all in three baskets’
bad harkodām ke az ādamhāye ādi az kenāre ān bāq migozašt masalan yek āqāyi masalan bā gusfand yā bozaš yā gusāleaš az kenāre u ādi gozašt
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • bad
  • then
  • other
  • harkodām
  • whichever
  • indef_other.h:s
  • ke
  • that
  • ke
  • az
  • from
  • rn_adp
  • ādamhāye
  • people=EZAFE
  • rn_np.h:poss
  • ādi
  • ordinary
  • rn_lex
  • az
  • from
  • adp
  • kenāre
  • side.of
  • adp
  • ān
  • that
  • ln_dem
  • bāq
  • garden
  • np:l
  • migozašt
  • pass.PST.IND.3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • masalan
  • for.example
  • other
  • yek
  • one
  • ln_deti
  • āqāyi
  • man.INDF
  • np.h:s
  • masalan
  • for.example
  • other
  • with
  • adp
  • gusfand
  • sheep
  • np:obl
  • or
  • other
  • boz
  • goat
  • other
  • =aš
  • =POSS.3SG
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • or
  • other
  • gusāle
  • calf
  • other
  • =aš
  • =POSS.3SG
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • az
  • from
  • adp
  • kenāre
  • side=EZAFE
  • adp
  • u
  • PRO.3SG
  • pro.h:l
  • ādi
  • ordinary
  • other
  • gozašt
  • pass.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
‘there were other people who were passing the man, for example another man with a goat’
bad yek pesarbačeyi ke bā dočarxe dāšt rad mišod češmaš in sabadhā rā gereft
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • bad
  • then
  • other
  • yek
  • one
  • ln_deti
  • pesarbačeyi
  • little.boy
  • np.h:a
  • #
  • #
  • #rc
  • ke
  • that
  • ke
  • with
  • adp
  • dočarxe
  • bike
  • np:obl
  • dāšt
  • aux
  • rad
  • passing
  • other:lvc
  • mišod
  • become.PST.IPFV.3SG
  • v:pred
  • %
  • %
  • %
  • češm
  • eye
  • other:lvc
  • =aš
  • =POSS.3SG
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • in
  • this
  • ln_dem
  • sabadhā
  • basket.PL
  • np:p
  • =rā
  • =ACC
  • =rn_acc
  • gereft
  • catch.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
‘A little boy on a bike who was passing saw the baskets’
bad vaqti ke nazdike in sabadhā resid did kasi kenāre in sabadhā nist did ke mardi bālāye deraxt ast
  • #
  • #
  • #ac
  • bad
  • then
  • other
  • vaqti
  • when
  • other
  • ke
  • that
  • ke
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:s
  • nazdike
  • near
  • other
  • in
  • this
  • ln_dem
  • sabadhā
  • basket.PL
  • np:l
  • resid
  • arrive.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • did
  • see.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #cc.neg:p
  • kasi
  • somebody
  • indef_other.h:s
  • kenāre
  • beside
  • ln_lex
  • in
  • this
  • ln_dem
  • sabadhā
  • basket.PL
  • np:l
  • nist
  • NEG.be.PRS.3SG
  • v:predex
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • did
  • see.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #cc:p
  • ke
  • that
  • ke
  • mardi
  • man.INDF
  • np.h:s
  • bālāye
  • top.of
  • adp
  • deraxt
  • tree
  • np:l
  • ast
  • be.PRS.3SG
  • v:predex
‘when he approached the baskets, he found out that nobody was there and a man was on the tree’
dārad sibhā rā mičinad
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • dārad
  • aux
  • sibhā
  • apple.PL
  • np:p
  • =rā
  • =ACC
  • =rn_acc
  • mičinad
  • pick.PRS.IND.3SG
  • v:pred
‘picking the apples’
bad yeki az in sabadhā rā bardāšt gozāšt ruye dočarxeaš az kenāre ān āqā rad šod
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • bad
  • then
  • other
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • yeki
  • one
  • indef_other:p
  • az
  • from
  • rn_adp
  • in
  • this
  • rn_dem
  • sabadhā
  • basket.PL
  • rn_np:poss
  • =rā
  • =ACC
  • =rn_acc
  • bardāšt
  • pick.up.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • gozāšt
  • put.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0:p
  • ruye
  • on
  • adp
  • dočarxe
  • bike
  • np:l
  • =aš
  • =POSS.3SG
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:s
  • az
  • from
  • adp
  • kenāre
  • side
  • adp
  • ān
  • that
  • ln_dem
  • āqā
  • man
  • np.h:l
  • rad
  • passing
  • other:lvc
  • šod
  • become.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
‘so he took one basket and put it on his bike and went away’
bad zamāni ke dāšt rad mišod yekho yeki digar bā dočarxe makuse u dāšt harkat mikard samtaš
  • #
  • #
  • #ac
  • bad
  • then
  • other
  • zamāni
  • when
  • other
  • ke
  • that
  • ke
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:s
  • dāšt
  • aux
  • rad
  • passing
  • other:lvc
  • mišod
  • become.PST.IPFV.3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • yekho
  • suddenly
  • other
  • yeki
  • one
  • indef_other.h:s_cp
  • digar
  • other
  • rn_lex
  • with
  • adp
  • dočarxe
  • bike
  • np:obl
  • makuse
  • opposite
  • other
  • u
  • PRO.3SG
  • other
  • dāšt
  • aux
  • harkat
  • moving
  • other:lvc
  • mikard
  • do.PST.IPFV.3SG
  • v:pred
  • samt
  • towards
  • adp
  • =aš
  • =PRO.3SG
  • =pro.h:g
‘on his way he saw somebody else on a bike coming approaching him in the opposite direction’
bad inqadr ke bā sorate ziad ān dustaš yā ān pesari ke bā sorate ziad dāšt harkat mikard yekdafe kolāhe ān pesari ke sibhā rā gerefte bud mioftad ruye zamin
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • bad
  • then
  • other
  • inqadr
  • this.much
  • other
  • ke
  • that
  • ke
  • with
  • adp
  • sorate
  • speed=EZAFE
  • other
  • ziad
  • high
  • other
  • ān
  • that
  • ln_dem
  • dust
  • friend
  • np.h:s
  • =aš
  • =POSS.3SG
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • or
  • other
  • ān
  • that
  • other
  • pesari
  • boy.INDF
  • other
  • ke
  • that
  • ke
  • with
  • adp
  • sorate
  • speed=EZAFE
  • np:obl
  • ziad
  • high
  • rn_lex
  • dāšt
  • aux
  • harkat
  • moving
  • other:lvc
  • mikard
  • do.PST.IPFV.3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • yekdafe
  • suddenly
  • other
  • kolāhe
  • hat=EZAFE
  • np:s
  • ān
  • that
  • ln_dem
  • pesari
  • boy.INDF
  • np.h:a
  • #
  • #
  • #rc
  • ke
  • that
  • ke
  • sibhā
  • apple.PL
  • np:p
  • =rā
  • =ACC
  • =rn_acc
  • gerefte
  • get.PST.PTCP
  • v:pred
  • bud
  • aux
  • %
  • %
  • %
  • mioftad
  • fall.PRS.IND.3SG
  • v:pred
  • ruye
  • on
  • adp
  • zamin
  • ground
  • np:l
‘because of the speed of the the other bike coming from the other side, the boy's hat just fell down’
bad pesar ke miravad donbāle kolāhaš az dočarxe mioftad pāyin
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • bad
  • then
  • other
  • pesar
  • boy
  • np.h:s
  • #
  • #
  • #rc
  • ke
  • that
  • ke
  • miravad
  • go.PRS.IND.3SG
  • v:pred
  • donbāle
  • after
  • adp
  • kolāh
  • hat
  • np:g
  • =aš
  • =POSS.3SG
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • %
  • %
  • %
  • az
  • from
  • adp
  • dočarxe
  • bike
  • np:l
  • mioftad
  • fall.PRS.IND.down
  • v:pred
  • pāyin
  • down
  • rv
‘when the boy tried to capture his hat, he himself fell down’
vaqti ke dočarxeaš mixorad zamin az dočarxe mioftad pāyin hameye sibhāye tuye sabadaš mirizad
  • #
  • #
  • #ac
  • vaqti
  • when
  • other
  • ke
  • that
  • ke
  • dočarxe
  • bike
  • np:s_cp
  • =aš
  • =POSS.3SG
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • mixorad
  • eat.PRS.IND.3SG
  • v:pred
  • zamin
  • ground
  • other:lvc
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:s
  • az
  • from
  • adp
  • dočarxe
  • bike
  • np:l
  • mioftad
  • fall.PRS.IND.3SG
  • v:pred
  • pāyin
  • down
  • rv
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • hameye
  • whole
  • ln_qu
  • sibhāye
  • apple.PL
  • np:s
  • tuye
  • inside
  • rn_adp
  • sabad
  • basket
  • rn_lex
  • =aš
  • =POSS.3SG
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • mirizad
  • spill.PRS.IND.3SG
  • v:pred
‘and the apples spilled out’
bad čand tā az pesarbačehayi ke hamseno sale xodaš budand dāštand bāzi mikardand bā rākete tennis
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • bad
  • then
  • other
  • čand
  • a.few
  • ln_qu
  • piece
  • class_np.h:s
  • az
  • from
  • rn_adp
  • pesarbačehayi
  • little.boy.PL
  • rn_np.h:poss
  • #
  • #
  • #rc
  • ke
  • that
  • ke
  • hamsenosale
  • the.same.age=EZAFE
  • other:pred
  • xod
  • self
  • rn_refl.h:poss
  • =aš
  • =POSS.3SG
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • budand
  • be.PST.3PL
  • cop
  • %
  • %
  • %
  • dāštand
  • aux
  • bāzi
  • PLaying
  • other:lvc
  • mikardand
  • do.PST.IPFV.3PL
  • v:pred
  • with
  • adp
  • rākete
  • racquet=EZAFE
  • np:obl
  • tennis
  • tennis
  • rn_lex
‘there were also a few boys of the same age who were playing with tennis rackets’
bad didand ke in pesar oftād zamin miravad in pesar rā komak mikonand
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • bad
  • then
  • other
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • didand
  • see.PST.IND.3PL
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #cc:p
  • ke
  • that
  • ke
  • in
  • this
  • ln_dem
  • pesar
  • boy
  • np.h:s
  • oftād
  • fall.PST.3SG
  • v:pred
  • zamin
  • ground
  • rv
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • miravad
  • go.PRS.IND.3SG
  • aux
  • in
  • this
  • ln_dem
  • pesar
  • boy
  • np.h:p
  • =rā
  • =ACC
  • =rn_acc
  • komak
  • help
  • other:lvc
  • mikonad
  • do.PRS.IND.3SG
  • v:pred
‘they saw the little boy fell down, and they went to help him’
bad tamāme sibhā rā bā hamdigar jam mikonand mirizand dāxele sabad
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • bad
  • then
  • other
  • tamāme
  • whole
  • ln_qu
  • sibhā
  • apple.PL
  • np:p
  • =rā
  • =ACC
  • =rn_acc
  • with
  • adp
  • hamdigar
  • each.other
  • indef_other.h:obl
  • jam
  • collected
  • other:lvc
  • mikonand
  • do.PRS.IND.3PL
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • mirizand
  • pour.PRS.IND.3PL
  • v:pred
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0:p
  • dāxele
  • inside
  • adp
  • sabad
  • basket
  • np:g
‘they helped him gather the pears and put them back into the basket’
bad pesar ke motmaen mišavad sibhā jam šode sabad rā dobāre migozārad ruye dočarxeaš dārad harkat mikonad
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • bad
  • then
  • other
  • pesar
  • boy
  • np.h:s
  • #
  • #
  • #rc
  • ke
  • that
  • ke
  • motmaen
  • certain
  • other:lvc
  • mišavad
  • become.PRS.IND.3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #cc
  • sibhā
  • apple.PL
  • np:s
  • jam
  • collected
  • other:lvc
  • šode
  • become.PST.PTCP
  • v:pred
  • %
  • %
  • %
  • sabad
  • basket
  • np:p
  • =rā
  • =ACC
  • =rn_acc
  • dobāre
  • again
  • other
  • migozārad
  • put.PRS.IND.3SG
  • v:pred
  • ruye
  • on
  • adp
  • dočarxe
  • bike
  • np:l
  • =aš
  • =POSS.3SG
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:s_cp
  • dārad
  • aux
  • harkat
  • moving
  • other:lvc
  • mikonad
  • do.PRS.IND.3SG
  • v:pred
‘after gathering all the pears, the little boy put the basket on his bike again and he was about to leave’
hamān pesari ke u rā komak karde bud yekho motevajehe kolāhaš mišavad
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • hamān
  • the.same
  • ln_lex
  • pesari
  • boy.INDF
  • np.h:a
  • #
  • #
  • #rc
  • ke
  • that
  • ke
  • u
  • PRO.3SG
  • pro.h:p
  • =rā
  • =ACC
  • =rn_acc
  • komak
  • help
  • other:lvc
  • karde
  • do.PST.PTCP
  • v:pred
  • bud
  • aux
  • %
  • %
  • %
  • yekho
  • suddenly
  • other
  • motevajehe
  • noticed
  • other:lvc
  • kolāh
  • hat
  • np:p
  • =aš
  • =POSS.3SG
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • mišavad
  • become.PRS.IND.3SG
  • v:pred
‘a boy who helped the little boy noticed a hat on the ground’
motevajehe kolāhaš mišavad bad miravad ke in kolāh rā midahad be hamān pesar bad zamāni ke kolāh rā beheš midahad
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • motevajehe
  • noticed
  • other:lvc
  • kolāh
  • hat
  • np:p
  • =aš
  • =POSS.3SG
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • mišavad
  • become.PRS.IND.3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • bad
  • then
  • other
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:s
  • miravad
  • go.PRS.IND.3SG
  • aux
  • ke
  • that
  • ke
  • #
  • #
  • #cc
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • in
  • this
  • ln_dem
  • kolāh
  • hat
  • np:p
  • =rā
  • =ACC
  • =rn_acc
  • midahad
  • give.PRS.IND.3SG
  • v:pred
  • be
  • to
  • adp
  • hamān
  • the.same
  • ln_lex
  • pesar
  • boy
  • np.h:g
  • #
  • #
  • #ac
  • bad
  • then
  • other
  • zamāni
  • when
  • other
  • ke
  • that
  • ke
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • kolāh
  • hat
  • np:p
  • =rā
  • =ACC
  • =rn_acc
  • be
  • to
  • adp
  • =heš
  • =PRO.3SG
  • =pro.h:g
  • midahad
  • give.PRS.IND.3SG
  • v:pred
‘he noticed the hat and he went to give it back to the boy, and when he returned the hat to him’
az sabade hamān pesar čand tā sib barmidārad, be tedāde dustānaš
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • az
  • from
  • adp
  • sabade
  • basket=EZAFE
  • np:l
  • hamān
  • same
  • rn_lex
  • pesar
  • boy
  • rn_np.h:poss
  • čand
  • a.few
  • ln_qu
  • piece
  • ln_class
  • sib
  • apple
  • np:p
  • barmidārad,
  • pick.up.PRS.IND.3SG
  • v:pred
  • be
  • to
  • adp
  • tedāde
  • number.of
  • other
  • dustān
  • friend.PL
  • other
  • =aš
  • =POSS.3SG
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
‘he took a few pears from the basket for his friends’
bad sibhā rā midahad daste dustānaš bad hamān lahzeyi ke inhā dārand rad mišavand hamān āqāyi ke bālāye deraxt bud miāyad pāyin miravad sabadhāyaš rā mišmorad mibinad yeki az sabadhāyaš kam ast
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • bad
  • then
  • other
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • sibhā
  • apple.PL
  • np:p
  • =rā
  • =ACC
  • =rn_acc
  • midahad
  • give.PRS.IND.3SG
  • v:pred
  • daste
  • hand=EZAFE
  • np:g
  • dustān
  • friend.PL
  • rn_np.h:poss
  • =aš
  • =POSS.3SG
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • #
  • #
  • #ac
  • bad
  • then
  • other
  • hamān
  • same
  • other
  • lahzeyi
  • moment
  • other
  • ke
  • that
  • ke
  • inhā
  • 3PL
  • pro.h:s
  • dārand
  • aux
  • rad
  • passing
  • other:lvc
  • mišavand
  • become.PRS.IND.3PL
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • hamān
  • same
  • ln_lex
  • āqāyi
  • man.INDF
  • np.h:s
  • #
  • #
  • #rc
  • ke
  • that
  • ke
  • bālāye
  • top.of
  • adp
  • deraxt
  • tree
  • np:l
  • bud
  • be.PST.3SG
  • cop
  • %
  • %
  • %
  • miāyad
  • come.PRS.IND.3SG
  • v:pred
  • pāyin
  • down
  • rv
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • miravad
  • go.PRS.IND.3SG
  • aux
  • sabadhāy
  • basket.PL
  • np:p
  • =aš
  • =POSS.3SG
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • =rā
  • =ACC
  • =rn_acc
  • mišmorad
  • count.PRS.IND.3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:a
  • mibinad
  • see.PRS.IND.3SG
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #cc:p
  • yeki
  • one
  • indef_other:s
  • az
  • of
  • rn_adp
  • sabadhāy
  • basket.PL
  • rn_np:poss
  • =aš
  • =POSS.3SG
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • kam
  • less
  • other:pred
  • ast
  • be.PRS.3SG
  • cop
‘he gave his friends the pears and when they were passing altogether, the man who was on the tree came down and counted his baskets and found out that one of them was gone’
bad hamān moqe pesarbačehā az hamān qesmati ke kenāre in āqā hast rad šodand hamān jur ke dāštand ba rāketešān bāzi mikardand engār ke sibhāyi ke dar dastešān bud tavajohe in āqā rā jalb karde bud
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • bad
  • then
  • other
  • hamān
  • same
  • other
  • moqe
  • time
  • other
  • pesarbačehā
  • little.boy
  • np.h:s
  • #
  • #
  • #nc
  • az
  • NC
  • nc
  • hamān
  • NC
  • nc
  • qesmati
  • NC
  • nc
  • ke
  • NC
  • nc
  • kenāre
  • NC
  • nc
  • in
  • NC
  • nc
  • āqā
  • NC
  • nc
  • hast
  • NC
  • nc
  • %
  • %
  • %
  • rad
  • passing
  • other:lvc
  • šodand
  • become.PST.3PL
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #ac
  • hamān
  • same
  • other
  • jur
  • type
  • other
  • ke
  • that
  • ke
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.h:s_cp
  • dāštand
  • aux
  • ba
  • with
  • adp
  • rāket
  • racquet
  • np:obl
  • =ešān
  • =POSS.3PL
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • bāzi
  • PLaying
  • other:lvc
  • mikardand
  • do.PST.IPFV.3PL
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • engār
  • like
  • other
  • ke
  • that
  • ke
  • sibhāyi
  • apple.PL.INDF
  • np:s
  • ke
  • that
  • ke
  • #
  • #
  • #rc
  • dar
  • in
  • adp
  • dast
  • hand
  • np:l
  • =ešān
  • =POSS.3PL
  • =rn_pro.h:poss
  • bud
  • be.PST.3SG
  • cop
  • %
  • %
  • %
  • tavajohe
  • attention=EZAFE
  • np:p
  • in
  • this
  • rn_dem
  • āqā
  • man
  • rn_np.h:poss
  • =rā
  • =ACC
  • =rn_acc
  • jalb
  • attracted
  • other:lvc
  • karde
  • do.PST.PTCP
  • v:pred
  • bud
  • aux
‘at the same time the boys were passing while playing with their racquets and the man notices the apples in their hands’