Text preview: mc_kalamang_yardakdak

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  • Metadata summary
  • corpuskalamang
  • textyardakdak
  • speakerKL01
  • annotator(s)Eline Visser
  • version2311
  • last updated2022-07-25
Annotation key
utterance identifier
object language utterance
  • grammatical words
  • morphological glosses
  • annotations with GRAID
  • referent indexing with RefIND
  • annotations with ISNRef
‘idiomatic translation’
mier bore kelaka mier kelaka marmar bara oskeitko warat sarani koyet
  • #
  • #
  • #nc
  • mier
  • 3DU
  • nc_pro.h
  • 0001
  • new
  • bo-re
  • go-NFIN
  • nc
  • kelak
  • mountain
  • nc
  • =ka
  • =LAT
  • nc
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • mier
  • 3DU
  • pro.h:s
  • 0001
  • kelak
  • mountain
  • np:obl
  • =ka
  • =LAT
  • =rn
  • marmar
  • walk
  • lv
  • bara
  • descend
  • v:pred
  • oskeit
  • on/at_beach
  • np:g
  • =ko
  • =LOC
  • =rn
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0.h:a
  • 0001
  • war
  • coconut
  • np:p
  • 0002
  • new
  • =at
  • =OBJ
  • =rn
  • sara-n
  • climb-N
  • lv
  • =i
  • =PLNK
  • =lv
  • koyet
  • finish
  • v:pred
‘The two go to the mountain, the two walk down from the mountain to the beach, after harvesting coconuts.’
warunat ma di bara kiem neko
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • war
  • coconut
  • np:p
  • 0003
  • bridging
  • -un
  • -3POSS
  • -rn_pro.h:poss
  • 0001
  • =at
  • =OBJ
  • =rn
  • ma
  • 3SG
  • pro.h:a
  • 0004
  • bridging
  • di=
  • CAUS=
  • =lv
  • bara
  • descend
  • lv
  • kiem
  • basket
  • np:l
  • 0005
  • new
  • neko
  • inside
  • other:pred
‘Their coconuts, he puts them in the basket.’
kiem nekora mier se ecieni kelaka toni botkin tapi mu tok
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0.h:a
  • 0004
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:p
  • 0003
  • kiem
  • basket
  • np:l
  • 0005
  • neko-ra
  • inside-NFIN
  • other:pred
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • mier
  • 3DU
  • pro.h:s
  • 0001
  • se
  • IAM
  • other
  • ecie-n
  • return-N
  • lv
  • =i
  • =PLNK
  • =lv
  • kelak
  • mountain
  • lv
  • =ka
  • =LAT
  • =lv
  • toni
  • want
  • lv
  • bo-t
  • go-T
  • v:pred
  • =kin
  • =VOL
  • =rv
  • tapi
  • but
  • other
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • mu
  • 3PL
  • pro.h:s
  • 0001
  • tok
  • first
  • other
‘(He puts them) in the basket. The two returned to the mountain, wanted to go, but they still’
elao marmar karimunrimun
  • elao
  • under
  • np:l
  • marmar
  • walk
  • v:pred
  • kariemun-rimun
  • cape-RED
  • np:other
  • 0006
  • bridging
‘walked below, (past) the capes.’
mier marmar marmar marmar toni ecieni he
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • mier
  • 3DU
  • pro.h:s
  • 0001
  • marmar
  • walk
  • v:pred
  • marmar
  • walk
  • rv
  • marmar
  • walk
  • rv
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0.h:s
  • 0001
  • toni
  • want
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • #cc:other
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0.h:s
  • 0001
  • ecie-n
  • return-N
  • lv
  • =i
  • =PLNK
  • =lv
  • he
  • IAM
  • other
‘They walked and walked, (they) wanted to return’
kelaka botkin keweungga botkin
  • kelak
  • mountain
  • np:g
  • =ka
  • =LAT
  • =rn
  • bo-t
  • go-T
  • v:pred
  • =kin
  • =VOL
  • =rv
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0.h:s
  • 0001
  • kewe
  • house
  • np:g
  • 0008
  • bridging
  • -un
  • -3POSS
  • -rn_pro.h:poss
  • 0001
  • =gga
  • =LAT
  • =rn
  • bo-t
  • go-T
  • v:pred
  • =kin
  • =VOL
  • =rv
‘to the mountains, (they) wanted to go to their house.’
kan ma warat pabien jadi wat sarenden kan kiem nerunggo ma pabie kan perun
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • kan
  • you_know
  • other
  • ma
  • 3SG
  • pro.h:a
  • 0004
  • war
  • coconut
  • np:p
  • 0003
  • =at
  • =OBJ
  • =rn
  • pabie-n
  • carry-N
  • v:pred
  • jadi
  • so
  • other
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • wat sarenden
  • coconut
  • np:s
  • 0003
  • kan
  • you_know
  • other
  • kiem
  • basket
  • np:l
  • 0005
  • nerunggo
  • inside
  • other:pred
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ma
  • 3SG
  • pro.h:a
  • 0004
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:p
  • 0003
  • pabie
  • carry
  • v:pred
  • kan
  • you_know
  • other
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • per
  • water
  • np:s
  • 0007
  • bridging
  • -un
  • -3POSS
  • -rn_pro:poss
  • 0003
‘You know, he carried the coconut on his back, a dry coconut, right, inside the basket, he carried (it), and you know its water’
loi ewawaewawa
  • loi
  • fast
  • other
  • ewawa-ewawa
  • speak-RED
  • v:pred
‘quickly spoke.’
arar perun arar
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ar-ar
  • make_sound-RED
  • nc
  • per
  • water
  • np:s
  • 0007
  • -un
  • -3POSS
  • -rn_pro:poss
  • 0003
  • ar-ar
  • make_sound-RED
  • v:pred
‘Its water made sounds.’
jadi ma roye wandi komet
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • jadi
  • so
  • other
  • ma
  • 3SG
  • pro.h:s
  • 0004
  • roye
  • turn
  • lv
  • wandi
  • like_this
  • lv
  • kome-t
  • see-T
  • v:pred
‘So he turned, looked like this [i.e. over her shoulder].’
mungkin enem yua me canama kona mabon ewa reon
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • mungkin
  • maybe
  • other
  • enem
  • older_or_respected_woman
  • np.h:dt_obl
  • 0008
  • yua
  • PROX
  • rn
  • me
  • TOP
  • other
  • canam
  • man
  • np.h:s
  • 0009
  • new
  • =a
  • =FOC
  • =rn
  • kon
  • one
  • rn
  • =a
  • =FOC
  • =rn
  • ma
  • 3SG
  • pro.h:obl
  • 0008
  • =bon
  • =COM
  • =rn
  • ewa
  • speak
  • v:pred
  • reon
  • maybe
  • other
‘Maybe this woman [i.e. speaker's spouse], a man is speaking with her maybe.’
pacarun reon
  • #
  • #
  • #nc
  • pacar
  • boyfriend
  • nc_np.h
  • 0009
  • -un
  • -3POSS
  • nc_pro.h
  • 0008
  • reon
  • maybe
  • nc
‘Maybe her boyfriend?’
padahal wat perun
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • padahal
  • however
  • other
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:s
  • wat
  • coconut
  • np:pred
  • 0003
  • per
  • water
  • rn
  • -un
  • -3POSS
  • rn_pro:poss
  • 0003
‘However, (it was) the coconut water.’
wat perun kan ma di kiem nerunggo kan
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • wat
  • coconut
  • np:p
  • 0003
  • per
  • water
  • rn
  • -un
  • -3POSS
  • -rn_pro:poss
  • 0003
  • kan
  • you_know
  • other
  • ma
  • 3SG
  • pro.h:a
  • 0004
  • di=
  • CAUS=
  • =other
  • kiem
  • basket
  • np:g
  • nerunggo
  • inside
  • other:pred
  • kan
  • you_know
  • other
‘The coconut water, right, he put (the coconut) in the basket, right.’
marmaret kan wat perun wandi arar
  • #
  • #
  • #nc
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • nc_0.h
  • 0004
  • marmar
  • walk
  • nc
  • =et
  • =IRR
  • nc
  • kan
  • you_know
  • nc
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • wat
  • coconut
  • np:s
  • 0003
  • per
  • water
  • rn
  • -un
  • -3POSS
  • -rn_pro:poss
  • 0003
  • wandi
  • like_this
  • other
  • ar-ar
  • make_sound-RED
  • v:pred
‘(He was) walking, right, the coconut water made sounds like this.’
a jadi
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • a
  • FIL
  • nc
  • jadi
  • so
  • nc
‘Ah so,’
ma roye mat dakdak ma roye mat koyak
  • ma
  • 3SG
  • pro.h:a
  • 0004
  • roye
  • turn
  • lv
  • ma
  • 3SG
  • pro.h:p
  • 0008
  • =at
  • =OBJ
  • =rn
  • dakdak
  • chop
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ma
  • 3SG
  • pro.h:a
  • 0004
  • roye
  • turn
  • lv
  • ma
  • 3SG
  • pro.h:p
  • 0008
  • =at
  • =OBJ
  • =rn
  • koyak
  • hit_with_tool
  • v:pred
‘he turned and chopped her, he turned and hit her (with a weapon).’
koyai koyet ma di sara yar kerunggo dakdak
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0.h:a
  • 0004
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0.h:p
  • 0008
  • koya
  • hit_with_tool
  • lv
  • =i
  • =PLNK
  • =lv
  • koyet
  • finish
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ma
  • 3SG
  • pro.h:a
  • 0004
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0.h:p
  • 0008
  • di=
  • CAUS=
  • =lv
  • sara
  • ascend
  • lv
  • yar
  • stone
  • np:l
  • 0010
  • new
  • kerunggo
  • on_top_of
  • rn
  • dakdak
  • chop
  • v:pred
‘After he had hit her, he put her on a stone and chopped (her) up.’
dakdai koyet
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0.h:a
  • 0004
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0.h:p
  • 0008
  • dakda
  • chop
  • lv
  • =i
  • =PLNK
  • =lv
  • koyet
  • finish
  • v:pred
‘After (he) had chopped (her) up,’
jadi maraet koi kiem met jieni koyet pabie
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • jadi
  • so
  • other
  • ma-raet
  • 3SG-again
  • pro.h:a
  • 0004
  • koi
  • then
  • other
  • kiem
  • basket
  • np:p
  • 0005
  • me
  • DIST
  • rn
  • =at
  • =OBJ
  • =rn
  • jie-n
  • get-N
  • lv
  • =i
  • =PLNK
  • =lv
  • koyet
  • finish
  • v:pred
  • pabie
  • carry
  • rv
‘so, he again then put that basket on his back.’
pabie ma marmar
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0.h:a
  • 0004
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:p
  • 0005
  • pabie
  • carry
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ma
  • 3SG
  • pro.h:s
  • 0004
  • marmar
  • walk
  • v:pred
‘(He) carried (it), he walked.’
wat opa me kiem nerunggo sileunggo
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • wat
  • coconut
  • np:s
  • 0003
  • opa
  • ANA
  • rn
  • me
  • TOP
  • other
  • kiem
  • basket
  • np:l
  • 0005
  • nerunggo
  • inside
  • other:pred
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:s
  • 0003
  • sile
  • back
  • np:l
  • -un
  • -3POSS
  • -rn_pro.h:poss
  • 0004
  • =ggo
  • =LOC
  • =rn
‘That coconut, inside the basket, on his back,’
  • ar-ar
  • make_sound-RED
  • v:pred
‘made sounds.’
  • ar-ar
  • make_sound-RED
  • nc
‘(It) made sounds.’
ma wandi komera o wat yua ba
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ma
  • 3SG
  • pro.h:s
  • 0004
  • wandi
  • like_this
  • other
  • kome-ra
  • look-NFIN
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • o
  • EMPH
  • other
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:s
  • wat
  • coconut
  • np:predex
  • 0003
  • yua
  • PROX
  • rn
  • =ba
  • =FOC
  • other
‘He looked like this, Oh, it's this coconut!’
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • bukan
  • not
  • other
emnem pacarun ge wat yua ba perun ararta yua
  • emnem
  • old_woman
  • np.h:predex
  • 0008
  • pacar
  • boyfriend
  • rn_np.h
  • 0009
  • -un
  • -3POSS
  • -rn_pro.h:poss
  • 0008
  • ge
  • not
  • other
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • wat
  • coconut
  • np:s
  • 0003
  • yua
  • PROX
  • rn
  • =ba
  • =FOC
  • =rn
  • per
  • water
  • rn_np
  • 0007
  • -un
  • -3POSS
  • -rn_pro:poss
  • 0003
  • ar-ar
  • make_a_sound-RED
  • v:pred
  • =ta
  • =NFIN
  • =rv
  • yua
  • PROX
  • other
‘not the woman's [i.e. his wife's] boyfriend, it was this coconut water that made sounds here!’
tapi ma he tamandiet kan
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • tapi
  • but
  • other
  • ma
  • 3SG
  • pro.h:s
  • 0004
  • he
  • IAM
  • other
  • tamandi
  • how
  • other:pred_other
  • =et
  • =IRR
  • =other
  • kan
  • you_know
  • other
‘But what could he do, right?’
ma naminyasali kan se koyet kan ma he mat dakdak di sara yar keitko
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ma
  • 3SG
  • pro.h:s
  • 0004
  • naminyasal
  • be_sorry
  • v:pred
  • =i
  • =PLNK
  • =lv
  • kan
  • you_know
  • other
  • #
  • #
  • #nc
  • se
  • IAM
  • nc
  • koyet
  • finish
  • nc
  • kan
  • you_know
  • nc
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ma
  • 3SG
  • pro.h:a
  • 0004
  • he
  • IAM
  • other
  • ma
  • 3SG
  • pro.h:p
  • 0008
  • =at
  • =OBJ
  • =rn
  • dakdak
  • chop
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0.h:a
  • 0004
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0.h:p
  • 0008
  • di=
  • CAUS=
  • =lv
  • sara
  • ascend
  • lv
  • yar
  • stone
  • np:l
  • 0010
  • keitko
  • top
  • np:pred
‘He felt sorry, right, he had chopped her up on the stone.’
jadi yar ma me inun yar dakdak
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • jadi
  • so
  • other
  • yar
  • stone
  • np:dt_poss
  • 0010
  • ma
  • 3SG
  • np:assoc
  • me
  • TOP
  • other
  • in
  • name
  • np:s
  • -un
  • -3POSS
  • -rn_pro:poss
  • 0010
  • yar
  • stone
  • pn_np:pred
  • dakdak
  • chop
  • rn
‘So that stone's name is Yar Dakdak [lit. 'chop-chop stone'].’
  • #
  • #
  • #nc
  • ada
  • there_is
  • nc
‘It's there,’
inun yar dakdak
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • in
  • name
  • np:s
  • -un
  • -3POSS
  • -rn_pro:poss
  • 0010
  • yar
  • stone
  • pn_np:pred
  • dakdak
  • chop
  • rn
‘its name is Yar Dakdak.’
yar ma me inun yar dakdak
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • yar
  • stone
  • np:dt_poss
  • 0010
  • ma
  • 3SG
  • np:assoc
  • me
  • TOP
  • rn
  • in
  • name
  • np:s
  • -un
  • -3POSS
  • -rn_pro:poss
  • 0010
  • yar
  • stone
  • pn_np:pred
  • dakdak
  • chop
  • rn
‘That stone's name is Yar Dakdak.’
ma komera o
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ma
  • 3SG
  • pro.h:s
  • 0004
  • kome-ra
  • look-NFIN
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds.neg
  • o
  • INTJ
  • other
‘He looked, Oh!’
wa me
  • wa
  • PROX
  • other
  • me
  • TOP
  • other
teya kianbon garungnin wa me
  • teya
  • man
  • np.h:s
  • 0009
  • kian
  • my_wife
  • np.h:obl
  • 0008
  • =bon
  • =COM
  • =rn
  • garung
  • talk_together
  • v:pred
  • =nin
  • =NEG
  • =rv
  • wa
  • PROX
  • other
  • me
  • TOP
  • other
‘a man didn't talk to my wife,’
wat yua ba ewawara yuane wat yua ba arar
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • wat
  • coconut
  • np:s
  • 0003
  • yua
  • PROX
  • rn
  • =ba
  • =FOC
  • =rn
  • ewawa-ra
  • speak-NFIN
  • v:pred
  • yuwane
  • PROX
  • other
  • #
  • #
  • ##ds
  • wat
  • coconut
  • np:s
  • 0003
  • yua
  • PROX
  • rn
  • =ba
  • =FOC
  • =rn
  • ar-ar
  • make_sound-RED
  • v:pred
‘it was this coconut that spoke here, it was this coconut that made sounds!’
jadi ma mat dakdak he tamandiet ma naminyasal se koyet
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • jadi
  • so
  • other
  • ma
  • 3SG
  • pro.h:a
  • 0004
  • ma
  • 3SG
  • pro.h:p
  • 0008
  • =at
  • =OBJ
  • =rn
  • dakdak
  • chop
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:s
  • 0004
  • he
  • IAM
  • other
  • tamandi
  • how
  • other:pred
  • =et
  • =IRR
  • =other
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ma
  • 3SG
  • pro.h:s
  • 0004
  • naminyasal
  • be_sorry
  • v:pred
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • ZERO
  • ZERO
  • 0:s
  • se
  • IAM
  • other
  • koyet
  • finish
  • v:pred
‘So he had chopped her, what could he do, he regretted, it was done,’
kan ma he mat ruan
  • #
  • #
  • ##
  • kan
  • you_know
  • other
  • ma
  • 3SG
  • pro.h:a
  • 0004
  • he
  • IAM
  • other
  • ma
  • 3SG
  • pro.h:p
  • 0008
  • =at
  • =OBJ
  • =rn
  • rua-n
  • kill-N
  • v:pred
‘right, he had killed her.’
  • #
  • #
  • #nc
  • ma
  • 3SG
  • nc
  • me
  • TOP
  • nc
‘[INTERVIEWER] That's it...?’
  • #
  • #
  • #nc
  • mm
  • AGR
  • nc